It's time to visit the Mauve family again! Last week was quite hectic: They adopted Kimo the cat, Kendra grew up and moved in her boyfriend Alwin, there were a lot of babies and even a baby shed got involved (Kendra had twins Cecily and Thomas, Alwin got abducted and gave birth to Scottie, Sarah had a thing with Berend Lillig and had a son named Oscar). At the end of the week, Alwin en Kendra moved out with their three kids, leaving Sarah, Noah and Oscar behind.
Noah is being a loving big brother, trying to get Oscar potty trained.
For some reason, Oscar got the genie lamp. Oh well, that could come in handy!

Even though Sarah just received §150,000 simoleons because three of the Crimson boys enrolled in Mauve University, she wishes for wealth. I'd like to get the public university as soon as possible, as it's great for the Sim Multiplier. One bag of money fell right on top of Kimo, I'm happy he survived :-)

Both Lenneke Tsjang and Kevin van der Storm walked by, so Noah and Sarah both tried to befriend them. I thought Lenneke might be a nice girlfriend for Noah, but they had negative chemistry and didn't get along at all.

Sarah and Kevin get along very well, though. As Sarah is close to becoming an elder, I thought it was time for her to settle down. When I saw this, I decided Kevin would be the one for her ;-)

Though I don't particularly like elder Sims, they seem quite cute together. They went on a short date.
While his mother was busy with Kevin, Noah is trying to teach Oscar how to talk.

Their date was going smoothly, and they even ended up in the bedroom! It was ACR, though.
After they had a dream date, Sarah asked Kevin to move in with them. He did, and brought §7,000 in. That's not exactly what I expected from the §§§, but well, they do have enough money anyway.
I caught Sarah like this, though I can't remember them actually trying for baby nor hearing a lullaby. Only time will tell, I guess.
I forgot to take a picture, but Noah taught Oscar how to talk. Oscar keeps rolling wants for people to talk to him, it's adorable.

He can't walk yet, so that's something Sarah wants to teach him.
Kevin had a job in Music level 1, and since that was already unlocked, he got to keep it. He gets a promotion to level 2 right away!

That night, he decides it's time to pop the question. As he's already an elder, you never know how much time he has left, so better make the most of it.
Sarah was quite done with the flings, wanting to settle down and share the rest of her life with the same man. She accepted his proposal.

Their romantic night was interrupted by this. Yep, there's definitely another baby on the way!
As Sax & Violins stopped bringing in money, Sarah went for a quick visit. She also set te price to §32 an hour, so other playables can visit the venue without going bankrupt.
Oscar got potty trained!
Sarah got her first pop. It will definitely be her last baby, as she's quite close to becoming an elder.
I just love this interaction. And despite him being not the prettiest of them all, I also love Oscar.
So when he thought it would be fun to play outside in a puddle in a thunderstorm, I quickly made him go inside. He's just to precious to be killed by lightning. Can toddlers even get killed by lightning? I just took no risk.
Sarah got her second pop. It won't be long until the Van der Storm baby arrives!
Oscar learned how to walk! Now he has all three toddler skills.
Just in time, as it was his birthday! He definitely grew into is features.
The third burglary of Crimson Falls! Kevin had a bit trouble getting his priorities straight, decided he had to use the bathroom now, but the cop managed to catch the burglar. This opens up a position in Law Enforcement, and allows us to use alarms - which I installed immediately.
Oscar autonomously asked Kevin to read to him, and I thought it was adorable. Especially with Kimo checking them out.
Noah rolled the want to go to college. Though he's Sarah's son and she would obviously just let him go despite not meeting the requirements, I thought it would be fair if he had to get at least two scholarships like the other Sims. So he worked on his Charisma for a while.
The pregnancy was really wearing Sarah out. Probably because she was older now than with her previous pregnancies, but I was starting to get afraid she wouldn't survive this.
I was relieved when she got into labour shortly after I really started to worry.
It's a girl
Oscar brought home a friend from school, I believe she was called Lynn. They became friends.
Oscar and Lynn were so busy playing, he only had time to do his homework when it already was dark. Sarah helped him with it.
Sarah then decided it was time to buy another venue, now that Sax & Violins was at level 10.
Here's Club Cassie! It opened a position in the Slacker career.
Noah helped his mom out with getting the club a few levels up, earning his bronze sales badge in the process.
Sarah did have som fun herself, too. Constantijn (Robin's fiancé) also visited the club. When they left, the club was at level 3.
Noah applied for scholarships, he gets the Will Wright Genius Grant and the Bain-Gordon Communication Fellowship. As he already got an A+ in school, he's now ready to go to Mauve University! He has to wait until after 6 PM, though.
Oscar hasn't changed for a bit, still playing in puddles.
He used his last day at home to become best friends with Oscar.
Kevin got promoted to level 4, and brings home Lucas Crimson from work.
It's time for Cassie to grow up!

She's adorable! She's a 10/2/10/3/7 Virgo.

Of course, Kevin starts getting her potty trained right away.
And we'll end this week with Noah going off to college - in his pajamas.
They donated §200,000 to the University Fund, so with a little work we'll have a public university next update!
Population: 377
Playable Sims: 29
SM: 13
Households: 5
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 1
University fund: §950.000
Community lots: 6
- Sim owned: 5
- City owned: 1
Fires: 1
Electrocutions: 2
Burglaries: 3
Adventurer: Unlocked [Jurriaan Dorrestein, Kendra Mauve]
Business: Unlocked [Goofy Kardinaal]
Criminal: 1/1
Education: 1/1
Law Enforcement: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Lucas Crimson, Kevin van der Storm]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
Science: Unlocked
Slacker: 1/1
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