Something exciting is bound to happen this week! Goofy is now at level 6 of his Business career. If he manages to top it, that means we can add a business district!
At monday, he immediately gets promoted to level 7.
He manages to max out his creativity skill while painting.
Besides topping Business, I also still quite like the idea of him getting abducted. No luck so far, though.

Another day, another promotion! He's at level 8 now, so I'm quite positive he will be able to reach level 10 this week.

He does need some more skill points though, so every spare moment is spent skilling. He maxed out his logic skills.

Level 9! One more to go! I'm really looking forward to add 5 points to the Sim Multiplier.

With a little help from his Throne of Light, he spends the entire night with his telescope. As he's only 5 days away from becoming an elder, this is the last opportunity for him to be abducted and get pregnant.
But when the morning comes, there's still no UFO to be seen. Too bad!
His bedroom got changed into a nursery, because who needs sleep when you have a Throne of Light, right?!
The next morning he spends with his pottery wheel, nervously waiting for his new family member to arrive.
There he is!
It's a little boy named Brandon. Despite not being abducted by aliens and having some kids walking around Crimson Falls, Goofy now has his very own son to take care of.
When Sterre walked by, ACR kicked in. Now that they sold the bed, they went for it at the sofa. I didn't take any pictures though, as it was quite naked and all :-)
While Goofy tried to fix his trash compactor, he got electrocuted. Poor Goofy, but as it's the second electrocution, we are also coming close to an opening in Law Enforcement.
It was Brandon's birthday already! As adopted Sims are usually quite ugly, I can't wait to see how he turns out.

Alright, he's not the prettiest Sim in the world, but it definitely could've been worse. His character is quite extreme though: Scorpio, 10/3/9/3/1. Quite a handful!

Just like with every baby that grows into a toddler, the first priority is to get him potty trained.
After that, Goofy kisses his son goodnight.
As it's Sunday night and he has to work again tomorrow, he hires a nanny to take care of Brandon when he's off to work.
He donated §10.000 to the university fund.
Population: 351
Playable Sims: 27
SM: 13
Households: 5
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 1
University fund: §750.000
Community lots: 5
- Sim owned: 4
- City owned: 1
Fires: 1
Electrocutions: 2
Burglaries: 2
Adventurer: Unlocked [Jurriaan Dorrestein, Kendra Mauve]
Business: Unlocked [Goofy Kardinaal]
Music: Unlocked [Lucas Crimson]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
Science: Unlocked
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