maandag 30 november 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 12: Uni


Here they are: the college students of Week 12! From left to right: Morgan de Korte (major literature), Elliott Crimson (major drama), Jana Philips (major economy), Robert Hooghoeth (Elliott’s boyfriend, major art), and Elisa Bender (Jana’s girlfriend, major physics). Sitting down is Olivia Crimson (major mathematics).

First, let me properly introduce Elisa and Robert to you. This is Elisa, a Knowledge/Romance Sim with the LTW to become Chief of Staff. Elisa is really active yet a bit sloppy and shy.

Robert is a Knowledge/Popularity Sim who wants to become Media Magnate.

Jana and Elisa were enjoying the perks of being a young adult and not living with their parents anymore.

Morgan was eager to meet new people. She might even find some spouse material.

Olivia was dancing with a dormie, while their other dorm members were quite annoyed as they wanted to study.

Elliott and Robert were being all adorable together.

Morgan met a lot of people ar college, but none of them were anything special to her. 

Eventually, I’ve had enough and they all graduated. Bye guys, see you next rotation!

Population: 6,594
Playable Sims: 145
Graves: 12
SM: 42
Households: 29

Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §510,000

Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7

Fires: 12
Electrocutions: 10
Burglaries: 11

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels]
Criminal: 1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 22/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 6/7 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 7/14 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]

woensdag 25 november 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 11: Taxes & stats

That's it, I played another entire rotation! I'd like to share some stats with you, just like I did after week 10.

Until I reached the Mauve household, I've subtracted taxes already, but let's see what the other households can pay in this 11th week.

Dorrestein III: 13,000
Mauve II: 45,000
Lillig: 10,000
Wilson: 110,000
Peerik: 5,000
Petal: 20,000
Easton: 5,000
Bell: 2,000
Van der Voeten II: 15,000
Schol: 20,000
Andersen: 28,000
Crimson IV: 5,000
Langerak: 75,000
Plaatsjes II: 55,000
Farijs II: 100,000
Bruinig: 2,000
Total: 510,000

We’re already halfway for another university!

We'll start the 12th rotation with 6 babies, 12 toddlers, 27 children, 20 teens, 4 young adults, 59 adults and 17 elders. Currently, there are three Sims visibly pregnant. Some more are in their first trimester, but I won't spoil the surprise :-) At this point in my game, 12 Sims have passed away. They were 6 men and 6 women. 10 died of old age, 1 died in a fire (Goofy) and 1 got struck by lightning (Lynn :-( ).

From the current living population, 72 are male and 73 are female. That's quite evenly!
28% of the Sims, aged teen and older, have the Knowledge aspiration. 22% has Family as the primary aspiration, while 21% has the Fortune aspiration. 17% are Popularity Sims, while 7% is Pleasure and 4% is Romance. My new method (which I started in this rotation) to determine the aspirations is slowly making it even out more, but of course it takes a couple of rotations to get it spread more evenly.
The most common LTW is to become Education Minister, as 7 of the living Sims (age teen and up) have that one at the moment.

I thought it was fun to write down all the first names that've been used for Sims in this challenge. The grey ones are the Sims that already passed away, the black ones are still alive.

Abbie / Ada / Alison / Amber / Angie / Anne / Anya / Ariel
Becca / Bethany
Carlotta / Cassie / Cecily / Chloe / Cleo / Cordelia / Cynthia
Daniëlle / Daphne / Debora / Dianna
Effie / Eleanor / Ella / Ellie / Els / Emmy
Fay / Florence
Grace / Gwyneth
Hannah / Harper
Jacinta / Jana / Jessa / Jill / Jinger / Jolie / Jools / Josephine / Josie
Laia / Laurie / Leah / Leia / Lily / Linnea / Lynn
Maaike / Maeve / Magda / Marieke / Marsha / Mia / Mieke / Morgan
Naomi / Nina
Rianne / Robin / Rosemary / Ruthie
Samantha / Sanne / Sarabel / Sarah / Scottie / Sophia / Stella

Valerie / Vida / Violet / Vivienne

Adam / Alan / Alwin / Archibald / Arlo / Arthur / Atlas
Basil / Benjamin / Berend / Blaine / Brandon / Bryan
Caleb / Cassius / Cedar / Christopher / Constantijn
David / Dean / Derek
Gabriel / Gary / Gideon / Goofy
Jack / Jacob / James / Jeremiah / Joel / Jonathan / Josh / Josiah / Jurriaan
Kevin / Kyle
Leopold / Liam / Lucas
Matthew / Max / Morris / Moses
Nathan / Noah / Nolan
Odin / Olaf / Olin / Oliver / Ollie / Oscar / Otis / Owen
Parker / Philip
Remi / Rhys / Robbie / Ryder
Scott / Seth / Simon
Tako / Theodore / Thomas / Toby / Tommy / Travis / Tristan / Tyler


You can really tell the J is my favourite letter. I love this overview, as I'm very interested in names and now I can easily see I need to find more names starting with a K, for example.

I can't wait to start playing Week 12! Stay tuned!

Updated Stats & Jobs after week 11
Population: 6,594
Playable Sims: 145
Graves: 12
SM: 42
Households: 29

Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §510,000

Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7

Fires: 12
Electrocutions: 10
Burglaries: 11

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels]
Criminal: 1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 22/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 6/7 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 7/14 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]

dinsdag 24 november 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 11: Bruinig

We finally reached the last household for this rotation! Last week, Laurie got engaged to Josiah Crimson. It was a pretty bad idea, considering she’s a Family/Romance Sim with the LTW to WooHoo 20 different Sims. Josiah caught her while she was working on that LTW with another dormie and they broke up, so after she graduated Laurie had to find a new home all by herself.

There she was, in front of her new house. It has been used before in this challenge so you might recognize it as the very first Dorrestein home - which is fitting, as it’s the home where Laurie’s father Simon had been born!

I checked Laurie’s family tree and she currently has a whopping 9 half-siblings!

The first one to walk by was Josiah, her ex-fiancé. He still seemed to like her a lot - dude, you have a family now!

Family or not, they still had three bolts so ACR didn’t waste a second. Too bad this doesn’t count for her LTW, as they already WooHoo’d before.

Right when they were done, the welcome wagon arrived: Tyler Peerik, Brandon van der Storm and Cecily Lillig.

They chatted for a bit, but she soon sent them away as she had a LTW to work on. I was planning on finishing it as soon as possible, so she could settle down and have a family soon. She’s still a Family Sim, after all. She invited one of her townie friends over.

3 down, 17 to go!

That same night, she invited another friend, as I knew it would be easy to get them to WooHoo if they were already best friends. I decided not to worry about their existing relationships and just get to that 20 as soon as possible.

4 down, 16 to go. Thanks, Jolie.

The next morning, while she was just inviting the very pregnant Tracy Lillig to get her fifth WooHoo, Laurie... turned out to be pregnant herself? Wait what?! Her hairstyle changed while popping, too.

Let’s just say there was a lot of pregnant WooHoo going on. Though I’m still confused, there was literally no sign whatsoever that Laurie would be pregnant. 5 down, 15 to go.

Another day, another lover. 6/20 is a townie called Herman.

She woke up from her afternoon nap for her second pop.

That night, she had another townie over. His name is Martijn and he became WooHoo #7. 

It’s time for a WooHoo break, because Laurie goes into labour.

Yes. Of course it’s twins. Just my luck.

It’s two boys: Atlas on the left, and Odin on the right. Their dad is either Josiah or her townie lover Armando. I don’t think it’s any fun to check the family tree, so I hope it becomes clear when they grow up. For now, my bet is Josiah, because of their coloring.

I quickly furnished a double nursery. 

Right when she had given birth to the babies, Laurie made a phone call to befriend her next victim.

With two babies, Laurie really couldn’t afford to live off her savings account anymore. She found a job in Law, level 2.

She might even meet some potential lovers at work.

The nanny was terrible at her job, but Laurie really needed the money and couldn’t afford to be a stay-at-home mom.

Damnit, Laurie. She got a bad chance card so is back at level 1, and brought home her uncle - so no WooHoo material.

Tyler might be her next victim.

I didn’t expect him to cheat on Daphne so easily. 8 down, 12 to go.

The next day, Laurie miscarried. I didn’t even know she was pregnant. It’s probably for the best that she won’t have another baby right now, as two is busy enough and it must’ve been Tyler’s, and I really don’t want Tyler and Daphne’s relation to get messed up.

Birthday time for the twins! I wonder if it will become clear who their dad is. Atlas goes first.

I’m not sure yet; I think he just looks a lot like his mom. Atlas is incredibly active, very neat and outgoing, but quite mean too.

His happy little brother goes next. I wonder what Odin will look like.

Odin kind of resembles Josiah, or is it just me? He is incredibly neat and active, and also quite outgoing.

Laurie had one more friend to WooHoo before she needed to make new friends. 9/20.

The lack of sleep with two toddlers, combined with her WooHoo’ing and finding new lovers every spare moment, were really wearing Laurie out. Luckily, by the end of the rotation, she was almost halfway through her LTW.

Population: 6,594
Playable Sims: 145
Graves: 12
SM: 42
Households: 29

Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §0

Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7

Fires: 12
Electrocutions: 9
Burglaries: 11

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 2/4 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels]
Criminal: 1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 16/20 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 5/6 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 7/14 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Daniëlle Terlouw, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]