We just found out Jacinta is pregnant with Goofy's baby, but let's not forget he already has a son: Sarah Mauve gave birth to their son Noah last week.
While Kendra watched the little boy, Sarah went to Sax & Violins, their music venue.
She does have a little trouble getting her priorities straight, though :-)
Kas Tellerman gave Sarah a free computer as a networking benefit. That was great, as money was really tight! The computer was sold right away.
We used the money to buy some vending machines.
From the money that was left after buying the vending machines, we were able to buy a sofa and a dart board.
I usually don't use aspiration rewards, but I realized having a succesful BACC was close to impossible if I didn't use the energizer. Luckily Sarah's aspiration level was high enough and she had enough aspiration points.
After using it, I kind of regret I've never used it before. It makes running a business so much easier!

Goofy is becoming quite the popular Sim in town!

Sarah got her golden sales badge, which is great. I immediately set the entry fee to 999 simoleons.
It takes Sarah minimal effort and the money keeps rolling in. That will be great for the university taxes!
Customer stars kept coming in. Things went great for Sarah!
Sax & Violins generated so much money, Sarah could tip some of the musicians that came by. They were so happy about that, it would often result in another customer star.
I must admit, I have a hack that stops Dazzle from draining energy. I thought the energy drain was quite unfair, as my Sims rightfully earned the golden sales badge. While using the energizer every now and then, Sarah was able to stay at Sax & Violins almost infinitely.
The earned money was used to build a small building where Sarah - and potential later employees - could relax.
She also expanded the stage and added some more instruments.
When Sax & Violins reached level 4, Sarah already earned §100.000. Right after this picture, I sold the vending machines as they weren't very popular with the customers.
Sometimes, Sarah even found some time to play the instruments herself.
Hi, Jacinta!
As I thought having a higher evironment score would probably increase the amount of customer stars, I bought them an aquarium.
I just really enjoyed all these Sims making music together.
Stars kept coming in, and Sax & Violins reaches level 6. All the cash awards were used, and the first connection perk.
Level 7 was reached eventually.
It was time to go home, as I didn't feel like staying at the business infinitely due to the energizer would be very fair. I am definitely planning on coming back this week though, as I'd like to reach level 10!
Back at home, Kendra is being perfect and autonomously cleaning the house.
While you wouldn't say it from her behaviour, she definitely is still a teen ;-)
At school, she's being just as perfect as she is at home. Did you notice I really like Kendra?
Sarah spends some time with her son, as he's easily forgotten with her business and Kendra being all perfect.
Kendra brought home a friend from school, and they had dinner together.
She uses some acne cream to get rid of the zits.
Birthday time!
Noah becomes a toddler. He's a 8/8/6/4/7 Aries.
Just a little mother-son quality time, because...
...it's time to go back to Sax & Violins. The nanny comes to take care of Noah.
There are quite some well-known Sims coming by this time!
Emmy even manages to max out her Creativity skill. Nice!
As level 8 was reached, Sarah decided it was time to hire an employee.
This is Gerard. He already has a bronze sales badge and two other bronze badges, so he will have to get the golden sales badge before he can be manager. That way, we can also earn money from Sax & Violins without Sarah being there all the time.
He starts working on it right away.
With Gerard handling the sales, Sarah has some time to enjoy herself too.
It doesn't take Gerard long to earn his silver sales badge.
Sax & Violons reaches level 9!
Shortly after, Gerard gets his golden sales badge and gets promoted to manager.
That's it: The very last customer star we needed to reach level 10! That means there's now an open position for the business career, and unlocking a shopping district is just within reach!
Back at home, Kendra brought Alwin van der Voeten home from school. They are getting along great!
They even have a crush on each other.
Look at that happy face. Isn't he adorable?! I can already see he and Kendra are going to make some pretty babies, probably with big lips :-)
Sarah checks on her business regularly, so money keeps rolling in. They even pass §1.000.000 simoleons, which means: A private university! I'll get to that at the end of this week.
Kendra manages to potty train Noah.
Sarah gets started on teaching him how to walk.
Noah looks so much likes his mom. Isn't he adorable?
Kendra maxes out her Logic skill. Now she will be able to join the Science career when she grows up!
Noah learnt how to walk, and now it's time to learn how to talk!
Kendra invited Alwin over and they share their first kiss. Aww!
She rolled the want of going steady, and he happily accepts!
Noah wasn't able to finish learning how to talk, because it's time for him to become a child!
Kendra doesn't even give him time for a make over, as she wants to read him right away.
When they're done, I give him a makeover anyway.
The nursery got turned back into a bedroom for both Kendra and Noah.
Kendra is such a great big sister. She keeps rolling the want to play with her little brother.
And we end the week with Sarah donating §200.000 to the public university fund, and §1.000.000 to build a private university! The requirements to enroll in Mauve University are to have at least 2 scholarships, have good grades and roll the want to go to university. Building a university also unlocks the medical career and adds 5 to the Sim Multiplyer. Yay!
Population: 120
Playable Sims: 15
SM: 8
Households: 4
Business districts: 0
Downtown: 0
Universities: 1
University fund: §355.000
Community lots: 5
- Sim owned: 4
- City owned: 1
Fires: 1
Electrocutions: 1
Burglaries: 1
Adventurer: 0/1 [Jurriaan Dorrestein]
Business: 1/1Criminal: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Lucas Crimson]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
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