dinsdag 29 december 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 12: Rossi

Last week, Tako reached the top of the Science career and became an elder soon afterwards. He loved having his (step)grandon Arthur living in with them. Mother and son Josie and Arthur aged up at the same day, becoming an adult and a child. Arthur's dad Olaf moved in with them, and soon Josie was pregnant with their second child. Frankie, the dog, also got knocked up by a stray named Maxx, who they adopted and renamed Winston. By the end of the week, Ollie aged into a teen, and Olaf, Josie, Arthur and Winston moved out to find a place of their own.

We start this week with the Rossi family with an exciting event: Frankie is giving birth!

Ahhh, look at that. Isn’t that the cutest puppy ever? They named him Charlie. I’m a bit sad Frankie got only 1 puppy though.

So I let Marsha invite Josie and Winston over. I might have cheated a bit to make Frankie a day younger, because she was just one day too old to have another litter.

Marsha maxed out her Logic skill. She didn’t need it for anything, but it’s a nice achievement anyway.

Abbie found a job in the Athletic career. I’m still in doubt whether I should use the money teens make for the university fund, or just put it on their savings account.

Oh, that was a short pregnancy for Frankie!

It’s another male (and again, only 1 puppy, aww). They didn’t name him, as he went to the adoption pool right away. Bye, puppy! See you soon, I’m sure you’ll find a nice new home!

Marsha got a nice bonus (50,000 simoleons!) from a good chance card. We can definitely use that.

Marsha and Tako are still very much in love. It’s cute.

The dogs both aged up on the same day. Frankie is now an elderly dog, while her son Charlie is an adult now. 

Ollie had rolled some love-related wants, but no girlfriend. He went to Split Happens, hoping to meet someone. He wasn’t lucky: there were no teens around, and almost all other visitors were men.

Oh no, a burglar! For some reason, the alarm didn’t work. Luckily Marsha was able to call the cops, so besides the telescope (which they were able to replace immediately) nothing was taken away.

Abbie really wanted a boyfriend, and I knew someone who was perfect for her: Josh Philips. He was also a Pleasure Sim, they were the same age and they had two bolts attraction. 

They were already friends, so it didn’t take much for them to fall in love. 

Abbie looked a bit scared to grow up, on Saturday evening. She didn’t change much.

Josh was happy to celebrate her birthday with her. 

The next morning, the stove caught fire. Luckily their fire alarm did work.

Ollie made a booty call, and I was surprised to see Cassie show up. What’s it with all those cheating Sims in my neighbourhood? We already did know Cassie had a thing for aliens, though.

Ollie had rolled the want to go to uni. He had to roll below 24, but rolled 94, so he can’t go. That means he inherits the house, and Abbie will move out. 

They donated a whopping 120,000 simoleons to the university fund. We're soooo close to unlocking another one!

Population: 7,473
Playable Sims: 145
Graves: 14
SM: 47
Households: 29

Business districts: 3
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §980,000

Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7

Fires: 14
Electrocutions: 11
Burglaries: 13

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell, Harper de Lange, Abbie Rossi]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar, Anne Cooper, Parker de Lange]
Criminal: 0/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Quentin Crimson, Ruthie Kosmoskus]
Education: 22/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 6/8 [Noah Mauve, Leah Kosmoskus]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 8/15 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 1/1 

zondag 27 december 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 12: Kosmoskus

Last week, there were lots of birthdays and lots of friends being brought home. Never a dull moment in the Kosmoskus household. They adopted a cat named Tabitha, as if their house wasn't crowded enough already. Ruthie and Leah became kids, Harper and Parker became teens, and Bryan fulfilled his LTW by having an anniversary party. Their family picture was kind of ruined by Parker being in his pajamas though. 

While the kids were at school and Ellie was at work, Bryan tried making some money by using the pinball career reward.

Harper brought home Ezra Mauve, who I thought would be lover material. I forgot for a moment he’s actually her half brother, as Simon is his father too.

Leah had Caleb Dorrestein over, who is Harper and Parker’s cousin. I feel like it’s going to be tough to find a playable spouse for the Dorrestein descendants, because they seem to be all related, lol. It’s a good opportunity to marry in some townies.

It’s birthday time for the youngest set of twins!

Before I could take their makeover pictures and check their LTWs, ideal family size and sexuality, we got an unexpected and sad surprise.

Goodbye, Ellie. You had quite an eventful life. You will be missed.

So, back to Ruthie and Leah. I think they’re both unique and gorgeous.

Ruthie rolled Popularity/Fortune with the LTW to become World Class Ballet Dancer. She’s bi and her ideal family size is 0 (actually -1, lol) but that most definitely is not going to happen :-)

Her sister Leah also rolled Popularity, but she’s secondary Family. Her LTW is to become Media Magnate. She would love to have 4 kids some day and is straight.

In the backyard, Harper was trying to make Dean Tanaka her next lover. They have two bolts and now have crushes, so it’s a matter of time until their long term relationship is high enough to become lovers.

I kind of forgot about the cat. Tabitha was still going strong, but also quite sad about Ellie’s passing.

Leah found a teen job in the Journalism career, while dreaming about her future. Oh, (secondary) Family Sims. Ruthie wasn’t as lucky, there wasn’t an open position in the Dance career today.

Parker’s LTW was to top Criminal, but that didn’t have an opening right now. So he enrolled in the Business teen career instead.

I completely missed the ACR action that caused this, but I put them in the friend zone right away. I’m not going to let this happen once again... remember Berend and Tracey? This time, it won’t get as far as getting pregnant. 

With four teens in the house, there were always some friends over. Today it’s Gwyneth van Oosterom (Harper and Parker’s cousin), Lily Baker and some townie named Paul.

Both Leah and Parker got promoted to level 2 of their teen careers.

Leah booty called Leopold Mauve, but right after their first kiss they chickened out and didn’t WooHoo at all. I was lucky, as I forgot to put the youngest twins on birth control.

On Friday, Ruthie was finally lucky enough to find a job in her desired Dance career.

Leah looked incredibly satisfied with herself, but it was actually Parker who topped his teen career that day.

Ruthie also got a promotion.

Harper was the last one of the four kids to find a job in her desired career (Athletic). 

That weekend, Leah invited Leopold over and asked him to go steady. He accepted. I love how their names kind of match.

Leah had to leave for work though, but she came home with a promotion to level 3 and now topped her teen career. Harper also got a promotion. These are two happy sisters. Ruthie also topped her teen career later that night.

Ruthie brought home Quentin Crimson and wanted to get to know him, but he ran off to WooHoo with her sister.

On Sunday, Ruthie met a teenage townie boy who walked by. His name was Alex and they had two bolts. I think he’s a much better option than Quentin. They shared their first kiss soon after meeting.

It’s Sunday evening, time to see if the youngest set of twins can go to university. Leah had to roll under 21 and rolled 38, so she couldn’t go.

Ruthie had to roll under 24. She rolled 67, so: too bad for them, both of them had to stay home.

This family donated §60,000 to the university fund.

Population: 7,473
Playable Sims: 145
Graves: 14
SM: 47
Households: 29

Business districts: 3
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §860,000

Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7

Fires: 13
Electrocutions: 11
Burglaries: 12

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell, Harper de Lange]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar, Anne Cooper, Parker de Lange]
Criminal: 0/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Quentin Crimson, Ruthie Kosmoskus]
Education: 22/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 6/8 [Noah Mauve, Leah Kosmoskus]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 8/15 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 1/1