We start this fourth week of the Crimson household with Lucas trying to gain some creativity skills, which he needs for his music career.
Since Philip grew up in the weekend, this is the first opportunity for him to do some homework. Rianne helps him with that, and when he's done, she helps the twins.
While she's busy helping Jonathan with his homework, her oldest son Matthew grows up to be a teenager!
Matthew rolled Family/Fortune, with the LTW to become City Planner. That might be doable!

Rianne tries the energizer, and it surely works. She immediately has enough energy to do some yoga.
Lucas is such a cute father. Though I get a feeling he likes Philip best of all of his sons.
Rianne got demoted to level 4, due to a bad chance card. She seems pretty excited about it, though?!
Now that they do have a bit of money, I decided to remodel the living room and the dining area.
Lucas did better than his wife; he came home with a promotion. He's now level 5.
David brings home Simon Dorrestein, who lives nextdoor. I always like it when they bring home other playable Sims.

The bathroom upstairs also got an upgrade, but Rianne doesn't seem to like it. Too bad, Rianne, it's going to stay this way anyway.
Lucas is having breakfast all by himself, and I just took this picture because I like their new dining area.

It's freezing outside, but Lucas decides to read David (I guess) a book right on the front lawn.

Rianne came home with two promotions in a row! She's now level 6.
Philip brought home Marsha Bruinig from school, who obviously stayed outside in the cold for too long. They became friends and I'm thinking about aging her up with him, as they are quite cute together.
At dinner, three of the boys are talking about their dad's promotion. He's also level 6 now!
The twins are getting along great. They keep rolling wants to do stuff together, as well as using the chess table.
Philip makes some new friends. Noah Mauve walked by, and they hit it off.
That evening, it's birthday time for Philip! (and yes, that's Magda Dooijer, Matthew brought her home from school)
He's lovely! Just like his brother, he's a Family Sim. I forgot to write down his secondary aspiration, though. His LTW is to marry off 6 children. I'm not sure I'm going to try that, but I like the diversity in the LTW's.
Matthew quickly lost interest for his alien brother, as he and Magda are getting along really well.
There is some flirting and even some pink hearts!
Doesn't Lucas look badass in this pic? The money keeps rolling in now that both he and Rianne are at level 6 of their jobs.
Lucas and Rianne are very much in love, still.
Philip made a phone call to invite a friend over.
It's Marsha Bruinig, who aged up with him!
Now they're both teens, and they already were best friends, it's time for some flirting. Marsha seems to be pretty shy.
They fall in love incredibly fast. Look at that happy face! Awww.
When Marsha left, Philip decided to read one of his younger brothers. I think this is David. I promise I will stop mixing them up when they're teens :-) In the background, you can see Lucas' career reward.
If Philip is reading David, this must be Jonathan having fun with his dad.
Birthday time! It's time for the two youngest boys of the family to become teenagers.
Matthew and Rianne were too busy with their pillow fight to pay attention to the birthday, though.
This is Jonathan. He rolled Knowledge/??? (seriously, I need to start writing down the secondary aspirations) and his LTW is to become World Class Ballet Dancer.
And this is David. He rolled Popularity/??? with the LTW to become The Law.
With that, the fourth week of the Crimson family comes to an end!
Population: 120
Playable Sims: 15
SM: 8
Households: 4
Business districts: 0
Downtown: 0
Universities: 1
University fund: §355.000
Community lots: 5
- Sim owned: 4
- City owned: 1
Fires: 1
Electrocutions: 1
Burglaries: 1
Adventurer: 0/1 [Jurriaan Dorrestein]
Business: 1/1
Criminal: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Lucas Crimson]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
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