Poppy, who seems to be the only one in the household not upset by Ridge’s death (I have no clue why), is now a 5 star celebrity! All she has to do to complete her aspiration is receive 25 positive responses from inciting cheers. With her popularity, that isn’t a problem at all! It doesn’t take her long to actually complete her fourth aspiration.

The entire household comes with her for the tile placement thing, but they have zero interest when the ceremony actually begins. There are some fans and paparazzi so Poppy luckily isn’t on her own.

And with another family club meeting, Jane gains enough club points to have a club with 8 members and therefore completes her aspiration. She’ll be working on Superparent next. And look, Sarah is pregnant again! And she’s actually married now.

Look at that; it’s already time for the first child of generation 4 to become a teen. This challenge is really going so fast!

Laurel rolls Childish to go with her Geek trait, and her aspiration is Serial Romantic. It’s an... interesting combination, I think. While I thought her having Maxwell’s mouth would be good, I kind of changed my mind. It’s just a bit too much on her. Luckily she has three more siblings, so nothing is decided yet.
Poppy helps her oldest granddaughter with her first high school homework.

I’m already doing some spouse hunting, lol. Here’s Duncan with classmate Dorothea, while Carissa is cloudgazing with Ferdinand.

Oh, it’s Ridge coming for a visit! I was already wondering why all the plumbing was suddenly broken.

It’s weekend, so Laurel only has her first day of high school in Monday. To get a head start, Jane helps her with a project. It’s also part of Jane’s aspiration to help her kids with their school work, so we’re killing two birds with one stone here.

Maxwell is doing really good at work. He gets promoted to level 6.

He goes to the beach to meet some people, as he need more friendships for his next aspiration milestone. And look who shows up: his sister Sarah, heavily pregnant with her second child.

When he gets home, he celebrates his adult birthday - and doesn’t change at all.
Poppy maxes out her Parenting skill!

It’s time for another birthday: Carissa’s. Jane doesn’t look too happy about it.

Carissa rolls Cheerful to go with Good, and her aspiration is Freelance Botanist. I like it! She looks just like her mom, except Jane has a slightly longer face.

As Maxwell needs to help other people train for his job, Carissa is immediately used for that.

Oh, Poppy... Sarah, who came to visit, witnesses her mom’s death. She leaves before Grim Reaper arrives though.

Maxwell is shocked to find his mom dying. I’m so sad for them. And a little bit for myself, too, as it’s always hard to lose your founder.
Goodbye Poppy. Thanks for founding the Foss legacy. You will be missed!

Jane gets promoted to level 6, while there are some neighbours stopping by to bring food.

Birthday time for the twins!

Maya rolls Romantic to go with Cheerful - quite boring, just a bit too much like her dad if you ask me. Her aspiration is Freelance Botanist, just like Carissa’s.

Duncan rolls Good to go with Perfectionist, and his aspiration is Succesful Lineage.

Here they are, generation 3, side by side. I’m quite happy with their looks, but a bit bored by most of their traits. It’s going to be a tough decision who will be heir!

Poppy and Ridge are being missed a lot. Every time I can’t find a Sim, they’re always mourning.

I have to admit: I kind of miss them too. And this stuff is cute. Yet I can’t help finding ghosts in Sims 4 terribly annoying. Jane keeps getting calls from her deceased parents and while she has quite a big family, there’s always someone about to pass away and the Foss family is sad All. The. Time.

Laurel goes to the beach to find teen boys for her aspiration. She runs into Sarah and her daughter Acacia.

She does some cloudgazing with Ferdinand, a childhood friend of Carissa who aged into a teen recently.

They soon start flirting. I’m not sure if Ferdinand is future spouse material in case Laurel becomes heir, but he’s at least boyfriend material when it comes to Laurel’s aspiration.

Score! Now she needs two dates, but I’m not going to work on that yet. I really need to decide who will be heir first, it does feel like a waste of my time otherwise. Especially because for a date, I guess they need to be away from the home lot so I can’t control my other Sims.
Every afternoon, the four teens make their homework together at the dining table. It’s so lovely.

Ferdinand stops by and he and Laurel mess around in her parents’ bed.

I can’t believe the first child of generation 3 is becoming an adult already!

Laurel rolls Family Oriented a her last trait, to go with Geek and Childish. I’m not disappointed. She also gets Good manners, Responsible and Emotional Control.

And I guess this is the right time to announce it: Laurel will be our gen. 3 heiress! Despite her terrible behaviour as a toddler, and her slightly too large mouth, I felt like she was the least boring choice. She has some traits I’ve never played before and I love to get started on her aspiration! So, next update will be the first of generation 3. Stay tuned!
Athletic points: 2
Creative points: 3
Deviance points: 6
Family points: 3
Fortune points: 3
Knowledge points: 4
Love points: 2
Nature points: 1
Points total: 24
Congrats to Laurel for being the new heir. She should be a lot of fun!