Maxwell is a great father to little Laurel.
Which is a good thing, as there will be another baby soon! Jane is expecting again!
By now, I noticed their family worth was around 150,000 already so I missed two fortune points last update(s). A random picture of Maxwell with a glass of water to celebrate it, lol.
It’s time to see what Laurel will look like as a child! Please have the Foss eye color, please have the Foss eye color...
Yesss! Oh, look at her, she’s so precious. I love her blonde hair, too, as I really like variety (besides from the eye color). She rolls Wild as her toddler trait, so I bet she’s going to be a handful, but so far I’m not disappointed in Maxwell and Jane’s baby making skills.
I love her already. I think toddlers are my absolute favourite in Sims 4, I really miss how extensive they are in Sims 4 when I go back to playing Sims 2.
It’s also harvestfest, so there’s a sh*tload of gnomes in the house at the moment.
Forget everything I said. Laurel is a monster. A cute monster, but still a monster.
Jane has started a family club, which is hopefully going to help her with her aspiration. I figured it would be nice if she could do her club activities without having to leave the house all the time, as that was really holding me back from having other household members achieving their aspirations.
Ridge is going to explore space for the fifth time, reaching another aspiration milestone.
Poppy and Jane both get promoted! Poppy reached the top of her career, which is amazing. It’s the first time I actually get a Sim to top a career in Sims 4!
Whenever Laurel isn’t throwing a tantrum, she is pretty cute. Too bad those moments are scarce.
Another promotion for Maxwell. This family is doing great.
I can’t believe Ridge is becoming an elder already. This legacy is going so fast.
He really is an adorable elder. He did gain some weight though.
Wake up, Maxwell! Your second baby is coming!
This time, instead of staying next to his wife, Maxwell wanders through the hospital to find some food.
Another girl! Her name is Carissa.
Ridge is such a proud granddad. There’s something endearing about elderly Sims.
Sarah walks by, and look at that belly! She seems to be expecting, how exciting!
Poppy tries teaching Laurel how to talk. I want only happy toddlers in this family!
Two kids felt a bit easy last generation, so Maxwell and Jane are having a third! It’s also nice to have more options for heir.
This big smile has a reason: Poppy finishes her third bestseller and therefore completes her aspiration! That’s the second creative aspiration she finishes, which gives us another legacy point. I give her Fabulously Wealthy next, which feels a bit cheaty as she reaches the first 3 milestones right away. But I figured that would happen anyway, even if I saved it for a next generation.
I’m torn. She’s so cute yet so annoying at the same time. Luckily Jane is an amazing, very patient mother.
The moment of truth... Will Carissa actually have a shot at becoming heiress?
She doesn’t have the Foss eyes, but if I’ll like her better than Laurel I will actually consider her as heiress. She rolls Inquisitive a her toddler trait.
And that’s one more aspiration down! Maxwell reaches level 10 of the body skill and therefore completes his bodybuilder aspiration. It’s already the 9th skill to be maxed in this legacy, giving us another point. He’ll be working on Friend of the World next.
Sarah looks like she’s about to pop anytime now. I’ll make sure to post a picture of her kid(s) every now and than.

Ridge brings home a promotion. Only one to go before he tops his career!

Toddler terror days are over for Laurel. Time to become a child.

She rolls Geek, and her aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp. She also got Happy Toddler, as she managed to max her potty skill just in time.

They purchase a jungle gym in space theme, to help Laurel with her aspiration. It matches grandpa Ridge’s space ship perfectly.

Jane gets another promotion and proceeds in the Public Relations branch of the social media career. She’s about to give birth anytime now.
Maxwell also comes home with a promotion and had to pick a branch. He’ll be doing the Bodybuiler branch of the athlete career.

And he comes home just in time to follow his wife to the hospital. Time to meet the last baby of generation 3! For some reason, no one is at the desk so Jane isn’t able to check in.

She eventually finds a doctor who brings her to the operating room, without having to check in. And there was quite a surprise waiting for her.

Meet Duncan (left) and Maya (right), the first set of twins in the Foss legacy! With 8 Sims in the house by now, there will never be a dull moment anymore.
Creative points: 3
Deviance points: 1
Family points: 2
Fortune points: 2
Knowledge points: 1
Love points: 2
Nature points: 1
Points total: 12
Oh boy, twins at the very end! It will be fun to see them grow up.