Welcome back! It's time for the second generation to take over the Foss legacy. Let's find if I'm going to regret picking Maxwell for heir :-)
Poppy reaches level 10 in writing! She’s getting close to her next aspiration milestone.
Maxwell finds a job in the athlete career. I feel like that suits him, with his current aspiration. I'm still not used to most aspirations not being job-related, opposed to Sims 2 (which I also still play a lot).
In order to complete his Nerd Brain aspiration, Ridge now has this rocket-thingy he’s working on. I have no idea what he can do with it later, but it’s fun for now.
Look who’s also a young adult now! Before moving her in, Maxwell tries to figure out all of her traits. We wouldn’t like the surprise of her having ‘Hates children’ for example.
Totally appropriate, guys. She is a child of the islands, family oriented and good. Great spouse material. Time to ask her to move in!
And of course, she accepted. Here she is after a little makeover. Her aspiration is Leader of the Pack, which is going to be a challenge because I don’t like popularity aspirations at all.
The first thing Jane does is trying to join the Partihouse club. She gets in, but I already dislike this aspiration because it takes so much time away from the other household members. And I really like to micromanage all of them.
She also takes a job in the Social Media career, as I feel like that fits her aspiration best.
Jane is so pretty, I can’t wait to see what generation 3 will look like! (Ridge thinks she’s pretty too, look at him staring at her)
Maxwell decides to put a ring on it and proposes. Of course, Jane accepts.
Sarah is having some mood swings, and this walk and facial expressions cracks me up every single time.
I decided the downstairs bedroom is for the new generation instead of the old one, as I figured it will be easier for them to take care of future babies when their cribs are downstairs.
The next morning, before the other family members are awake, Maxwell and Jane elope.
Look how excited Jane is: she’s going to have a baby already!
Maxwell is a little less enthusiastic. One thing I really don’t like about Sims 4 is this animation, almost every Sim daddy-to-be seems to hate the idea of becoming a father. You know what, Max: suck it up already. You're the legacy heir so you'll probably having more than one baby anyway. Better get used to it.
Ridge takes Maxwell’s and Jane’s pictures, as the generation 2 heir and spouse.

Jane goes on another club meeting, where one of the club members promptly dies. The Grim Reaper joins the party, and Jane stays there long enough to reach her first aspiration milestone - at least, that’s what I thought. For some reason the bar showing how many hours she was at the meeting didn’t go up after 9 hours.

While Jane is still sobbing over his death, the deceased club member is already out in his ghost form to party again. She starts another meeting, but eventually she is too tired and went home. When she arrives home, I get a notification saying ‘milestone complete.’ Alright then.

I expended the shed for a little bit, using lots of shelves to store the Potions of Youth for the Deviance category. There are already two of them, bought with Sarah’s aspiration points, because it’s her birthday today! And I really wanted to make good use of her reward points before she moves out.

There she goes, off to the cake...

She rolls Perfectionist as her third trait, to go with Gloomy and Neat. She has quite a different personality than the rest of her family. I’m really going to miss her, but we’ll probably see her come by sometimes! Goodbye Sarah! She’s now left to MCCC’s plans.

Maxwell and Jane get a new bed, as Maxwell was complaining the previous one was too uncomfortable. He immediately makes good use of it.

Poor Jane. She’s in her third trimester, feeling very uncomfortable and comes home from work in a thunderstorm. At least she got a promotion!

She isn’t the only one to bring home a promotion: Maxwell does so, too!

Look who comes to visit! Poppy gives Sarah a house key, so she can stop by whenever she wants.

Are you ready to meet generation 3? ‘Cause Maxwell obviously isn’t!

Maxwell isn’t as dedicated as his father was at his birth. While Jane is checking in...

...he finds a computer to play The Sims. I can't blame him, honestly.

This doesn’t seem to go very well.

But in the end, everything turns out fine. It’s a girl! Welcome to the legacy, Laurel!

When they arrive home, both of her parents immediately have to leave for work. Jane’s boss already called to scold her for being too late. How rude! Luckily, grandma Poppy is happy to take care of the little girl.

You might not see it as it was hard to take a good picture, but Poppy is glowing. That’s because she’s a 4 star celebrity now! All from writing books and sell paintings.

As I’m a breastfeeding mom myself, I really love that you can breastfeed babies in The Sims 4. Though I feel like this might not be the most comfortable way to do so, lol.

One thing I really love about Sulani is the neighbours bringing food every now and then. Of course, they also get an autograph from their famous neighbour.

Ridge finishes his space ship. Maxwell and Jane are the first to try it out. WooHoo!
Creativity points: 2
Deviance points: 1
Family points: 2
Knowledge points: 1
Love points: 2
Nature points: 1
Points total: 9
You've done great so far! This family is great.