Maxwell is back home just in time to open up his present. Good for him, as he gets a big dollhouse! There isn’t room for it now, but the family is saving money to build a second floor soon.
The grand meal is also a success, despite Sarah preferring pancakes over Poppy’s ham dinner.
The second floor is added! I ran out of money - again, so the second bathroom, senior bedroom (ready for the future!) and spare room still need furnishing. The shed with the photo studio is also a bit more fancy at the outside now. I might store the studio in the family inventory later en turn the shed into a family mausoleum when needed.
The next day, Maxwell brings a classmate home from school. Her name is Jane and she’s very pretty. They become friends, because she might be some future spouse material in case Maxwell is going to be heir.
Ridge brings home a promotion to level 6 of his career.
Both of the kids are so stressed when they come home from school, I buy them diaries so they can write about it.
It’s time for Maxwell to become a teen!
Here he is. He’s so handsome, though his eyes are a bit too small for my liking. He seems to have most (if not all) facial features from his dad. He rolled Art lover to go with his Cheerful trait, and his aspiration is Body Builder.
His first action as a teen? Going for a nightly run. Let’s start working on that aspiration!
Ridge has completed his Computer Whiz aspiration! He will be working on Nerd Brain next.
Maxwell visits the gym for his first aspiration milestone. He needs to work out for a couple more hours.
Sarah and Ridge are spending much time together, as both of their aspirations involve their logic/mental skill.
It’s New Years Eve and they’re all watching the countdown together. Also, Sarah is going through a phase.
I love Ridge. And Sarah does, too. Though I find this bear costumes slightly terrifying.
It’s rebate day, so I’m spending nearly every Simoleon they have on furnishing the empty rooms. Downstairs is now a room for the older generation, so the master bedroom upstairs can be taken over by the heir when he/she grows up. The other empty room is now a second kids bedroom, also for the future, as I’m planning on having at least 2 pregnancies for each generation and there will probably more than two kids someday. And yes, I noticed I completely forgot about the second bathroom. They only had a couple hundred Simoleons left, so after adding a toilet and a sink they were broke.
Poppy gets herself another promotion! That’s a nice way to get some more funds (which was immediately spent on a second shower, since it’s still rebate day), and it was also her new year’s resolution so she’s extremely happy about it.
On her last day of childhood, Sarah brings home an A and completes her Whiz Kid aspiration!
And she isn’t the only one who has a birthday today: our founder becomes an adult!
Just what I expected: not much has changed.
Now it’s time for Sarah. I can’t wait to find out her next trait and aspiration, as it will hopefully help me decide who will be heir.
She rolls Neat to go with Gloomy, and her aspiration is The Curator. She has smaller eyes than Poppy, but mostly looks just like her. Let’s just say this doesn’t make my decision any easier! She’s so pretty.
And here they are, side by side. The second generation of the Foss legacy. This is going to be such a dilemma.
Ridge brings home a promotion and choses to proceed in the eSport Gamer branch. He doesn’t look very happy about it though.
Poppy publishes some more books and is now a three star celebrity.
Maxwell invites his childhood friend Jane over. She grew up gorgeous and has the most amazing green eyes - definitely spouse material, in case Maxwell is our heir. I have to figure out her traits first though.

As it’s Love Day, they go on a date to some karaoke bar in San Myshuno I never visited before. They are so cute together.

They share their very first kiss and it’s adorable.

And they even sing a little duet together, and end up having a gold date. They’re still not boyfriend and girlfriend though, as that option didn’t show up.

The next day, Sarah visits some other worlds to do some collecting. She reaches her first aspiration milestone in no time at all.

When she comes home, there’s another teen on the lot. I’ve never seen him before. His name is Joshua and she talks to him for a bit, as he might be future spouse material.

Another day, another collecting spree. There’s also a flea market today, so Sarah makes sure to buy some MySims trophies in order to hopefully complete her collection soon. She also finds a snow globe she doesn’t own yet.

This handsome guy reaches his third aspiration milestone already, while Sarah is out collecting. It would be great if he completes his aspiration before he grows up, so it gives me some points whether he’s heir or not.
And by now, I find out about satisfaction points and they all have quite a lot of them! I used some points to make them gain skills faster.
Ridge gets another promotion and is now at level 8 of the tech guru career.

And one day later, Poppy gets promoted to level 9 of her painter career! She’s quite tense about it though. She comes home at the same time as the teens, who have a B (Maxwell) and an A (Sarah) in school.

Jane comes home with Maxwell, and they spend some quality time together.

It eventually ends in messing around in the shower, and going steady afterwards.

The next day, Maxwell reaches his maximum body potential. All he needs to do now to complete his aspiration, is to get his body skill up from 6 to 10. But that’s not going to happen before his birthday, because...

It’s already time for him to grow up!

He rolls Romantic as his third trait, to go with Art lover and Cheerful. Nothing too exciting, as his parents have these traits too, but I’m happy he does not roll anything awful as I can now announce: Maxwell is our 2nd generation heir! Though I really like both of them and I’m definitely going to miss Sarah, his eye color was the biggest reason to pick Maxwell. Also, Sarah’s facial features are just a bit too much like Poppy’s for my liking and I’d love some variety. So, next update will be the first of generation 2! Stay tuned!
Creativity points: 1
Family points: 2
Knowledge points: 1
Love points: 1
Nature points: 1
Points total: 6
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