I missed it, but Maxwell got struck by lightning. I’m glad he survived, as I really need him taking care of their four young children!

I wasn’t really expecting Laurel to be a loving big sister, but she turns out to be one anyway. Judging by the amount of crying Maya does, she’s going to be a real handful when she grows up.

I’m scared, guys. I’m really, really scared.

Here’s Maya, who rolls Wild as her toddler trait. Like I predicted: she’ll be as terrible as Laurel, I can feel it. She does have the Foss eyes, though.

Luckily, her twin brother Duncan rolls Independent which is going to make my life so much easier. He is the only child to have Maxwell’s black hair. He has green eyes, which makes him a little less likely to become heir.

Over all, I feel like the third generation is quite overwhelming. Not only because I was planning on having three kids and got for, but also because I kind of forgot about Poppy and Ridge still being alive and kicking and therefore having to take care of two more adult(/elder) Sims. It really can’t be compared to the previous generation. But when Maya and Duncan are being all adorable like this, I can’t help but loving the chaos.

Getting all three toddlers’ skills up to get Happy Toddler is going to be a handful. Whenever the parents and grandparents aren’t working, they’re helping the toddlers.

I can’t believe Poppy is becoming an elder already!

Here she is after a little makeover. I gave her some more age appropriate clothing, but I felt like her hairstyle was fine for an elder woman too.
Sarah calls to ask if Poppy will come to visit. And look at that! It’s Sarah’s daughter Acacia! Sarah isn’t married though, so I’m not sure who Acacia’s father is.

Poppy loves spending time with her granddaughter. Though she has four grandchildren at home, they are all equally special to her.

When she comes home, Ridge maxes out his gaming skill. I noticed their household worth also exceeded 200,000 by now, which gives us another point. And I used all of Poppy and Ridge’s reward points to buy potions of youth, which brings the total to 13.

I only took this picture to remind myself toddlers can be very cute, too. At least when you don't have three of them to take care of.

Carissa maxes out her movement skill, just in time before her birthday!

She rolls Good as her trait, and her aspiration is Social Butterfly. I think she looks a lot like her mom. I don’t see a lot of Maxwell in her.
With selling another masterpiece, Poppy completes another aspiration. I’m impressed! She’ll be working on World-Famous Celebrity next, as she’s almost a 5 star celebrity by now.

She immediately hosts a Meet and Greet to get her next aspiration milestone. I noticed she doesn’t even know that much people, so it’s a bit of a sad meet & greet with mostly family members and their old nanny, but it will do.

Maxwell makes good use of the opportunity by working on his own aspiration. He needs to meet 10 new people.

Maya really is just like Laurel. She does things like this all the time. Duncan is a lot easier to take care of.

Laurel and Carissa both need help with their homework. Luckily, dad and grandma are there to help them out.

Ridge reaches level 10 of the programming skill (yes, another picture of him using the computer), Duncan masters his Imagination skill and Maya is the first Foss toddler to max out Thinking. That brings us to a total of 12 different skills maxed out, so 4 points.

With Carissa having the Social Butterfly aspiration, there are friends over all the time. Is it ever too early to start spouse hunting? ;-) I’m keeping my eyes open!
Hurray! No more toddlers!

Maya rolls Cheerful as her trait and Whiz Kid as her aspiration. Duncan rolls Perfectionist as his trait, and Rambunctious Scamp as his aspiration. They both have Happy Toddler, which is a true miracle considering the utter chaos in this household.

As I really like comparison pics, here is one for generation 3. I think Maya looks a lot like Carissa and therefore, like their mom. I wonder what they will look like as teens, when you really can tell their facial features apart more. For now, Laurel seems to be the only one who inherited Maxwell’s mouth (which I really like) and I think that puts her in the best position for heir now (who would’ve thought that when she was a toddler?!). Carissa and Duncan both have a different shade of green eyes, which is interesting!

All I need Ridge to do before he passes away, is gain two more Logic skill points. When he does that, he’s at level 10 and completes his aspiration. I have to hurry though, as his age bar is already full and he can pass away anytime now. He spends all day playing chess, except for when he’s at work: he’s at level 9 of his career and I really want him to top that too.

No, Ridge! Noooooo!

I have no clue if pleading for someone’s life even works when they die from old age, but Maxwell tries anyway.
Oh my God! It worked! I don’t know how long it will be until Grim Reaper comes back to take him anyway, but I hope that’s only after he maxes Logic and gets his final promotion. Though that promotion probably won’t happen, as he only has to work in 3 days.

So, a couple of mood solvers and back to the chess table it is!

Poppy picks up painting again, trying to become a five star celebrity. She’s so close!

HE DID IT! Ridge manages to max out Logic and therefore complete the Nerd Brain aspiration. I didn’t even bother to pick out a next aspiration for him.

Just in time. Welcome back, Grimmy :-( As there are just some visitors who heard about his supposed-to-be death from last evening, there are lots of people mourning the loss of Ridge.

Jane comes home with a promotion just in time to see the Grim Reaper take away her father in law.

Goodbye, Ridge. You were an amazing legacy spouse and you will be missed.
Creative points: 3
Deviance points: 6
Family points: 2
Fortune points: 3
Knowledge points: 1
Love points: 2
Nature points: 1
Points total: 18
Whew good job Ridge, I like his name art at the end. :)