To earn some quick money, Poppy goes fishing. She really wants to paint but they don’t have money for a canvas.
It doesn’t work - at all. Luckily, Ridge brings home a promotion.
Now that they have a stove, Poppy could actually make Maxwell a birthday cake. Time to become a child!
There he is. His child trait is Cheerful (got it from his daddy!) and his child aspiration is Artistic Prodigy, which his mom should be very proud of. He also got Happy Toddler.
Poppy makes a few paintings until they have enough money to furnish the kids bedroom for Maxwell.
Guys, you have a dining table, you know. If you use that...
...Maxwell can actually use his desk to make his homework.
Sarah loves playing with her dad. It’s adorable.
It’s harvestfest! Ridge is preparing a grand meal, so they can at least get one of the traditions.
Maxwell even made some autumn decorations. It’s so cute, I didn’t know that was a thing! For some reason this meal didn’t fulfill a tradition for Ridge, so I am a bit disappointed.
Poppy gets promoted to level 7 and picks the Master of the Real branch.
That gives them enough money to buy a more expensive computer for Ridge, who immediately completes a milestone.
Poppy is now a two star celebrity. She already had the Refined Palate quirk, and the Noticeable perk. She adds Corporate Partnership and Influencer to that.
Another promotion for Ridge. Life is good for the Foss family.
It’s time for the youngest gen. 2 child to age up. I decided two kids would be enough for this generation.
Here’s Sarah. She rolled Gloomy as her child trait - how different from her dad and brother! - and her aspiration is whiz kid.
Uh-oh. Maxwell seems to be ill. I never had that happen before in Sims 4, so... what now?
So, a little Googling learns me they can just buy medicine. Bye bye, gas and giggles!
Look at that! They actually have wallpaper and a wooden floor now! And a new sofa, Ridge obtained that one with his last promotion.
Sarah invites the nanny to play chess, as Ridge is busy building skills for his next promotion, Poppy is at work and Maxwell is working on his own aspiration.
All I ever played in Sims 4 before is an ISBI, so it’s a delight to be able to actually help Sim kids reaching their aspiration milestones!
Maxwell gets sick again... ugh.
She did it! Poppy completes her Painter Extraordinaire aspiration! I’m so proud. She’s going to work on Bestselling Author next, as there’s one point to earn if a single Sim can complete two creative aspirations.
Ridge visits the local flea market to buy some lamps for in their house. He also buys some rare collectibles. And of course, he plays some basketball.
When he comes home, he reads to Sarah, helping her to reach her first aspiration milestone.

With both their nanny and Jackson over (yes, Jackson still visits every once in a while, he is now married and has a son), Maxwell completes the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. He rolls Rambunctious Scamp next.

Poppy is working on Ridge’s portrait. Hell, this was a lot easier in Sims 2! It took about ten times before he was actually positioned right and smiled (kind of). Please tell me there’s a easier way to do this? I’m also not sure how I’m going to make Poppy’s portrait this way.

So, I realized portraits in Sims 4 just completely suck.

And you can’t even make a self-portrait, oh bummer. I let Poppy take a selfie with Ridge, so if she doesn’t manage to get her photography skill to level 5 before they become elders, there is at least a picture of them hanging around.

I must say, getting the photography skill to level 5 wasn’t that hard at all. I managed to do it just in time, as Ridge is becoming an adult today. This is one of the pictures Poppy took, I just let her take pictures all day long from whatever was right in front of her.

Because it was raining, I built a quick shed to place the studio. When Poppy finished taking a pic of Ridge, I discovered you also can’t make a self portrait with this thing. I was fed up, as I already had done far too much work for this stupid portrait-bonus, and I felt like I deserved it by now. So I fully admit: I cheated so Ridge also has photography skill level 5, and he could take a decent portrait of Poppy. Sorry, not sorry.

So here they are, at last: the first generation portraits! They change later on though, as my game crashed and I lost some progress.

Woops. I wrote down it was Ridge’s birthday, but never thought about aging him up. He aged up by himself and is now quite angry at me.

I noticed you also get a point when you finished all the emotional paintings, so with this sad painting that’s also done!

And Poppy reaches her first aspiration milestone shortly afterwards, after writing her second book.
Creativity points: 1
Family points: 1
Love points: 1
Nature points: 1
Points total: 4
great start