It’s a boy! Welcome to the world, Maxwell Foss. I use a randomizer to pick the names for this challenge.
Look how happy they are, it’s adorable. Ridge was definitely a good pick for Poppy’s spouse.
And look at that: it’s actually starting to look like a house! Poppy got an easel from work, so she can actually paints inside now.
Poppy, you actually went to work in your hospital gown?! Who cares, she got promoted anyway.
Ridge also gets promoted. This legacy is like a walk in the park - so far.
I wish I could make my money like this. Ridge and Poppy are so lucky.
Having one baby per generation is so boring... Time to make a second.
Success! Ridge isn’t so sure about this plan, but hey, it’s too late for that.
We all know what this flying baby means: it’s birthday time already!
Aww, he got his daddy’s hair.
And here he is after a makeover: Maxwell Foss. He rolled Angelic as his toddler trait and he has Poppy’s eye color, which is great as I would like to carry that on for as long as possible.
The bedroom got a small extension so there was room for toys and a toddler bed. I’m hoping for the next remodeling, I can actually rebuild te house instead of expanding rooms for a bit.
Ahh, father and son. I think this is actually my favourite toddler haircut.
Maxwell is just too adorable, I already love him. His little sibling already has some great competition!
Poppy's painting skill is already at level 7, and her paintings are starting to get more and more valuable. It’s a nice income and they’re getting close to a big house renovation.

Ridge gets promoted to level 3 of his career, bringing home a nice bonus.

Maxwell is gaining skills at a good pace. I’m determined to get him at least Happy Todder. Top notch toddler is nearly impossible as I adjusted the life span.

Another promotion for Poppy! She’s in her third trimester and it’s getting quite rough on her.

They buy a bath tub instead of a shower, so Maxwell can actually get clean. The sink is now in the living room, so there was enough space for the bath.

It’s baby time! This time, Poppy goes to the hospital alone so Ridge can stay with Maxwell.

Ohh, look at that! It’s a girl! Her name is Sarah.

Maxwell isn’t very pleased with his new

Ridge, on the other hand, is over the moon with their little girl.

Poppy tries getting Maxwell’s thinking skill up, but he isn’t sure he actually likes this game.

It’s a little family meeting in the bedroom. Poppy and Maxwell are working on his fantasy skill, while Ridge is eating a BLT and Sarah is taking a nap.
Are you ready for two toddlers in the house? Because I’m not!

And here she is, adorable little Sarah. She rolls Fussy as her toddler trait and she probably won’t be heiress, because she has her dad’s eye color.

So now I’m torn... Will I try for another baby, hoping for some competition for Maxwell? Will I just pick a random heir despite of their eye color? Should I wait and pick one based on their other looks and character when they’re teens/young adults? Or should I just go with Maxwell?

Poppy pays a quick visit to the Willow Creek museum, to complete her third aspiration milestone by viewing or admiring three paintings.

When she gets home, Sarah is throwing a huge tantrum - something Maxwell haven’t done before.

She then starts making a mess. Maxwell never did that, too. Probably because of his Angelic trait. Sarah is a real handful compared to her big brother.

Family time! Despite Sarah being a real pain in the *** sometimes, she is also quite adorable.

Look at that! It’s an actual house!

I ran out of money while decorating, but they have all the things they need for now. And only 2 simoleons left - oops.
Family points: 1
Love points: 1
Points total: 2
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