Last week, Jack and Jonathan started their adult life in Crimson Falls. They opened a dance studio to unlock a position in the Dance career for Jonathan, and got married. Jack got abducted by aliens and gave birth to a girl named Jill, while they also became the fathers of Jessa, who was carried by Maaike Farijs as a surrogate.
With three more babies on the way (in case you missed it: Maaike and Sarabel both were surrogates for Jack and Jonathan this week, and Sarabel had twins), they bought another fridge for upstairs. With five little kids, there won't be much time to take them to the kitchen every time they are hungry.

In their empty bathroom (they have two, but only one is furnished right now), I placed an easel as Jonathan had rolled the want to buy one. He starts out by paiting Jack's portrait.

Their nanny was having a hard time taking care of Jill and Jessa. I was starting to worry a bit about how she would be able to take care of five kids in a few days.

Jack got promoted to level 2 of the Science career. He is incredibly happy, but I'm afraid he would be the one to give up his job once they have five kids.
I might try to handle it with only their vacation days, though, as both Jack and Jonathan really like their jobs.

When Jonathan went outside to pay the bills, I noticed his nieces (and neighbours) Stella and Willow playing a game outside. I really like this details.
So, if I thought having two babies was a handful, things were about to get busier as it was Jill's birthday!
There she is. She's a Sagittarius, 1/10/10/10/3.
Jonathan immediately took her to the potty. With three more babies coming, it was quite a priority to get the toddlers potty trained as soon as possible.
Jack got promoted to level 3.
Speaking of Jessa, it was her birthday!
She's gorgeous! She's a Virgo, 9/2/6/4/5.
I think she looks a lot like Jonathan.
I already furnished the bedroom where the three girls will eventually sleep.
Jill got potty trained, just in time for the three babies to arrive.
Jonathan got promoted to level 8!
It's Friday night, which means the three babies arrived! Welcome Josh, Jana and James!
Yes, it was tough, but to be honest: Jack and Jonathan handled it really, really well.
They even managed to get Jessa potty trained.
And it was about to get a little easier, as Jill grew up to a child.

Of course, all three babies needed a nappy change at the exact same time. Every. Single. Time.

Jill was really enjoying the fact that her aunt, uncle and cousins lived next door. She played a lot with Willow, and sometimes with Stella and Naomi too. Philip and Mieke were always keeping an eye on them, so Jack and Jonathan didn't have to worry about it.

On the last day of the week, there were four birthdays to be celebrated! Jessa was the first one to grow up.

Then it was time for the babies to grow up, from top to bottom: Jana, Josh and James.

Here's Jana as a toddler. She's a Sagittarius, 2/4/8/7/6.

Here's Jana's twin brother Josh. He's an Aquarius, 5/4/5/7/7.

And the last one to become a toddler is James, who turned out to be a 4/2/6/7/6 Aquarius.
To be honest, I was glad that this rotation was over :-)
Population: 1,292
Playable Sims: 61
Graves: 7
SM: 19
Households: 13
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 2
University fund: §1.000.000
Community lots: 12
- Sim owned: 9
- City owned: 3
Fires: 6
Electrocutions: 5
Burglaries: 8
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/2 [Matthew Crimson]
Athletic: Unlocked
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson]
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Rossi]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 1/4 [Alwin van der Voeten, Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Dorrestein]
Journalism: 0/1 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 2/6 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Anya de Korte]
Medical: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Jacinta Lillig, Berend Lillig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips]
Show Business: 1/1
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