As Ellie and Simon got divorced, I changed Ellie's last name back into De Lange - which is her maiden name.
Ellie was quite depressed because of her divorce. Hunter wanted to cheer up his mom, but didn't know how.
Being sick all the time didn't help Ellie to feel better.
She was shocked to find out the reason of her sickness.
Hunter was an amazing help for his mom, as he took care of Ryder the best he could.
Despite being pregnant and depressed, Ellie went to work and came home with a promotion to level 8. It cheered her up a bit.
When she got her second pop that night, she actually started looking forward to a new baby.
Ryder was just a kid himself, but he was always helping his mom.

Hunter rolled the want to use the grill, so he took care of dinner.

Ellie was so happy with her boys, who were also doing great in school.

That night, when she went into labour, both of her sons were present.

She had a little boy named Parker, but immediately handed him over to Hunter.

Because Parker wasn't the only new member of the family! His twin sister Harper was born shortly after him.
Luckily, Hunter loved helping out with the twins.
And when Ellie went to work the next day, Hunter - who had a snow day - invited Simon over to help out. Hunter was still obviously angry at Ellie for divorcing him.
But he definitely liked spending time with his sons again.
Simon wasn't very confident with the twins - he didn't took care of Vida as a baby, so it was a while ago since he last had this responsibility - but he and Hunter took care of the little ones the best they could. They failed miserably, but it was actually quite adorable.
The next day, they hired a nanny. That would be best for all of them ;-)
Ellie decides to use some of her money to buy a community lot.
Here it is: Crimson Falls Park. A nice place to stroll, fish, play chess... and with a nice playground for the kids.
Ellie goes there with Ryder, who uses the playground while Ellie tries to get some Sims to pay for the entrance.
The trees catching fire isn't really helping with getting the business to level up. After a couple of fires, they placed a lightning rod on top of the toilet building.
Ryder inviting the visitors to fish with him seemed to work! When they leave, the business is at rank 5 and Ellie has the golden Sales badge. Of course, they took the money perks.
Meanwhile at home, Hunter took great care of the twins. He's so helpful!
Ellie rolled the want to fall in love again, so she invited Bryan Kosmoskus who she knew from college. This is how she greeted him.
They fell in love and had some WooHoo before she asked him to move in with them.
Despite Harper and Parker not being his own kids, Bryan happily took care of them.
Birthday time for the twins!
Parker is adorable. He's a Leo, 10/10/1/3/2. He'll be quite a handful when he gets older!
His blonde sister Harper is a lot more balanced. She's an Aquarius, 7/7/4/8/9.
Bryan and Ellie got engaged!
I wanted them to get married right away, but I seemed to miss the fact that their relationship wasn't high enough yet. Oops. Bryan is so sad.

Oh, Ellie...
She and Bryan made up right away, as it seemed like Ellie needed to get his last name soon ;-)
Bryan and Ellie worked together to teach the twins their toddler skills.
Ellie was really going to miss Hunter when he left for college, and that moment came very close.

Hands up if you saw this coming.

I never expected Ellie to have this much kids. The game (and ACR, mostly) can still surprise me, even after all these years!
Hunter applied for scholarships. He got two: for his good grades and his high charisma skill.
Bye Hunter, see you in uni!

And we'll end this week with another proposal, and - as their relationship was high enough - a marriage right away! Next week, this will be the Kosmoskus household (it took me three attempts to spell that).
The family donated 180,000 simoleons to the university fund, which means we earned a second public university! Yay for the Sim Multiplier!!
Population: 2,075
Playable Sims: 74
Graves: 9
SM: 25
Households: 14
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 3
University fund: §1,000,000 §1,000,000 §120,000
Community lots: 16
- Sim owned: 13
- City owned: 3
Fires: 6
Electrocutions: 5
Burglaries: 9
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/2 [Matthew Crimson]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Jacob Dorrestein]
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Rossi]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 2/4 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Dorrestein]
Journalism: 0/1 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 5/7 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Anya de Korte, Brandon van der Storm]
Medical: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Berend Lillig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips]
Show Business: 1/1
Slacker: 0/1 [Simon Dorrestein, Anne Cooper]
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