Meet the newest residents of Crimson Falls: the Petal family. Four siblings who are going to help me unlock a position in the culinary career by opening a restaurant and hopefully getting it up to level 5.
This is their home - as they had only §20,000 to spend, it's quite basic.
Cedar is the oldest. Being a Knowledge/Family Sim, his LTW is to become Chief of Staff. He's a 6/5/1/4/9 Aquarius.
Linnea is three Sim days younger. She's a Fortune/Knowledge Sim with the LTW to earn §100,000. She's a Capricorn, 7/4/1/8/5.
The youngest of them is Basil, a 3/3/6/8/5 Aquarius. He's a Knowledge/Pleasure Sim with the LTW to become a Celebrity Chef - which is nice, as they hopefully open a position in the Culinary career soon.
As they needed relevant skills as well as some money to buy a restaurant, they started digging for treasure right away. Basil was skilling inside, and Rosemary got to know some neighbours (William van der Voeten, Cassie van der Storm and Cecily Mauve).
It didn't go fast, but slowly they earned some money.
As the future restaurant needed a server, Cedar worked on getting some body points.
They had a nice and simple dinner together - which got burnt. They really had a lot to learn before their restaurant could open.
They even got a money tree, as every little bit helps.
Time quickly passed as they were all digging for treasure and building skills. It was time for Rosemary to become an adult already.
Not everything went according to plan all the time, but they dug up lots of treasures.
On Friday, Basil maxed his cooking skill.
As they had quite a nice amount of money, Linnea made a call to buy a community lot.
Here it is: Petal's Diner. And I just noticed I took the pictures while in Buy mode, oops.
Linnea was the hostess, while Rosemary helped with the sales and sometimes was a server, too.
Let me be honest; I really s*ck at running restaurants. I played it for ages, got a lot of negative stars, ultimately got it up to level 2 and then decided I'd award myself for the effort and I deserved an open position in the Culinary career anyway.
As the week was coming to an end, and I'd like them to have a partner by the end of this rotation, I invited some Sims who they met at the restaurant and they had good chemistry with.
Linnea had a soft spot for Toby Easton.

Basil became an adult, and I aged Dianna Appleton (the girl in sports tenue from a few pics back) up with him.

Linnea and Toby did some ACR WooHoo and he moved in with them.
Here he is after a little makeover. He's a Fortune/Grilled Cheese Sim with the LTW to become Hall of Famer. He's a Capricorn, 7/4/1/8/5.

They moved out and will have a household of their own the next rotation; the Easton household.

In the meantime, Rosemary had build a relationship with Owen Bell which was high enough for him to move in.

Here he is after a makeover. He's a Knowlege/Fortune Sim with the LTW to become World Class Ballet Dancer. He's a Sagittarius, 2/3/9/7/4 and I think he's so handsome!

They also moved out and will be the Bell household next week.

I was expecting Dianna, who I aged up with Basil, to end up with Basil. But ACR decided differently.

Oh well, Cedar asked her to move in and she agreed. Basil will probably find love next rotation.

I gave Dianna a makeover. She's a Knowledge/Pleasure Sim with the LTW to become Mad Scientist. I forgot to write down her zodiac and character.

I noticed Dianna got no chemistry with Basil as soon as she fell in love with his brother.
And will end this week - and the huge increase of the population for this rotation - with Dianna and Cedar having some ACR WooHoo.
Time for stats! As it's the end of the 9th rotation, I counted all my Sims and noticed I was a little behind with my stats. I'll hope this is right for now:
Population: 2,600
Playable Sims: 95
Graves: 9
SM: 25
Households: 20
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 3
University fund: §1,000,000 §1,000,000 §120,000
Community lots: 18
- Sim owned: 15
- City owned: 3
Fires: 6
Electrocutions: 5
Burglaries: 9
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/3 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Jacob Dorrestein]
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Rossi]
Culinary: 1/1
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 7/10 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Lynn Tanaka]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Journalism: 1/2 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 2/7 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Anya de Korte, Brandon van der Storm]
Medical: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Berend Lillig, Marieke van Oosterom]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten]
Show Business: 1/1
Slacker: 0/1 [Simon Dorrestein, Anne Cooper]