It's time to visit college again! This time, there are three households, which I all put into one update.
Household 1
Standing from left to right: Debora Schrama (Gabriel's girlfriend, major biology), Christopher van der Toorn (major politics), Gabriel van der Toorn (major physics), Derek van 't Haar (Jolie's boyfriend, major psychology), Grace Crimson (major philosophy). Sitting down is Jolie Farijs (major literature).
Christopher, who doesn't have a significant other yet, immediately starts exploring his options. This lovely redhead is Tosca, and she seemed quite into him.
His big brother Gabriel loved the fact that his girlfriend Debora came to college with him.
There was a lot of dancing and socializing going on, mostly because of Chris' secundary aspiration (popularity).
They both had rolled the want to get engaged, so this was bound to happen. They are so cute together.
I realized I didn't share Derek's stats with you guys. He's a knowledge/family Sim with the LTW to top the intelligence career. He's very playful, sloppy and a bit shy.

I missed Christopher and Tosca sharing their first kiss, but I was there to capture their first WooHoo right after. The cow mascot was there to witness, too.
Some WooHoo doesn't stop Christopher from exploring his other options, so he flirted for a bit with this adorable blonde girl named Silvia.
Grace, being a Romance Sim, wasn't featured a lot. She flirted with some guys, for example this one named Jesper, but nothing special happened.
Graduation time! On to the next household.
Household 2
From left to right, this household consists of Angie de Wethouder (Ryder's girlfriend, major politics), Max Armadillo (major literature), Jill Philips (major economy), Eleanor Plaatsjes (major philosophy), Ryder Dorrestein (major drama) and Jessa Philips (major physics).
Let's start by introducing Angie, who is Ryder's girlfriend since they were teenagers. She is a family/fortune Sim with the LTW to - yeah, it would be nice if I remembered writing that down. All I wrote down is 'no career related LTW' so that'll have to do. Angie is gorgeous, she has a very well-balanced personality but is a tad shy.
The first thing she and Ryder did after declaring majors? This.
Of course, Max had brought a salon chair to his dorm room and gave every dormie a makeover.
I really love these two together. When going through my pictures to decide which one I should use for this update, I realized almost every picture was of Angie and/or Ryder.
Eleanor and Max turned out to be very attracted to each other. ACR took care of it.
There was a bug: Tommy Andersen (Anya de Korte's husband) was still there at college, being a young adult. He was creepily staring at Eleanor while she was relaxing in bed.
Jessa socialized with some other students, hoping to find a future spouse. This one is Vincent and they had two bolts, but I was a little hesitant as there would be very less genetic diversity with them.
Graduation time! I just realized this is the only picture I took with Jill on it. She was quite boring at uni, to be honest. All she wanted was to do assignments and write papers, and she had negative chemistry with almost everyone there.
Household 3
Last but not least, household 3. This one will probably be the most boring, as they are all couples - so no spouse hunting.
From left to right: Willow Crimson (major psychology), her boyfriend Joel Lim (major physics), Stella Crimson (major politics), her boyfriend Gary den Dolder (major economy), Naomi Crimson (major psychology) and her boyfriend Alan Oef (major economy).
Just what I expected. All sweetness and stuff.
Willow had rolled the want to get engaged. Joel didn't, so I was like: FEMINISM, you know! Look at Stella and Gary making out in the background.
While they were still in the process of getting engaged, some random townie walked by and swooned over Joel. Back off, you!
I might need to properly introduce the guys to you. This handsome guy is Alan, he's a Fortune/Grilled Cheese Sim with the LTW to have 6 pets reach the top career level. He's a serious and active Sim.
Gary is a Popularity/Romance Sim with the LTW to own 5 top-level businesses. It's useful for the BACC, but he probably won't reach it as I suck at getting businesses to level 10. Gary is serious and outgoing, yet a bit mean.
Joel is Knowledge/Romance, his LTW is to top the medical career. He's sloppy, very active and a bit shy.
They hung out for a while, as I would like them to be all friends.
Then I've had enough of it and made them all graduate. Yay, on to round 11!
Population: 4,968
Playable Sims: 128
Graves: 10
SM: 36
Households: 24
Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 4
University fund: §289,000
Community lots: 19
- Sim owned: 20
- City owned: 3
Fires: 10
Electrocutions: 9
Burglaries: 10
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/3 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Jacob Dorrestein, Anya Andersen]
Criminal: 0/2 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 7/10 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Lynn Tanaka]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/2
Journalism: 1/2 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [David Crimson]
Law Enforcement: 4/11 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: 0/1 [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten]
Military: Unlocked
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 1/1
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]
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