Last week, Simon and Ellie moved into their new home, as they just graduated from college. They had a simple wedding, but Simon was torn between his love for Ellie and his crush on their neighbour Marsha. When Ellie turned out to be pregnant, and later gave birth to their son Hunter, he decided not to see Marsha anymore. He opened a gym named Fitness Factory and got it up to level 2.

Ellie and Simon are being completely happy with their little family.

ACR really wants them to expand their family, though.

I love to see Ellie this happy. She keeps doing random things likee this, all with a big smile on her face.

Simon needed some friends for both of their careers, so he calls some other Sims for a chat.
It was time for Hunter to become a toddler already! I'm not sure who he looks like the most, but he's cute. He's an Aries, 7/8/7/3/2. I always feel a bit sad when one of my in-game born Sims turns out to be mean :-(

Just like every kid born in Crimson Falls, his mom takes him to use the potty right away.

Being an only child, Hunter gets all the attention from his parents he could possibly want.
Ellie got a bad chance card, so she's back at level 5 now.

Luckily, she gets promoted to level 6 again the same day.

Simon manages to get Hunter potty trained!

Ellie starts teaching him how to talk, but she can't finish it.

She has to take a break to ensure us there's another baby on the way!

When the phone rings, she immediately started talking about their upcoming addition of the family. I didn't even write down who called.
Unbelievable. The next day, when she went to work, she got a bad chance card and got back to level 5. Again.

That night, while Simon is teaching Hunter how to talk, Ellie got her first pop.

Simon is so excited about having another baby!

It took a while, but Hunter finally learned how to talk.

He gets one last hug from his mother, now that he still is a toddler. Because it's his birthday!

I think he looks mostly like Ellie, but I can definitely tell that Simon is his father.

As they don't have a spare bedroom, and the only other room is a nursery for the upcoming baby, Hunter has to sleep in the master bedroom with his parents for a little while. There's plenty of space so it isn't a bad thing, I guess.

Pop! I kind of like the age difference between both kids. I usually make my Sims have one kid after another until they have the number I wanted. I think ACR is a nice addition to my game, it makes my playing style slightly different!

Simon pays a quick visit to Fitness Factory. He set the entry prices back to normal, as it was still set on 999 Simoleons. When he gets home, the business is at level 4.

Hunter is so excited about becoming a big brother!

On Sunday night, Simon got promoted to level 9.
And he comes home just in time to see his wife give birth to another son!
Meet Ryder Dorrestein. Born just before the rotation was over!
Population: 810
Playable Sims: 41
Graves: 4
SM: 18
Households: 10
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 2
University fund: §1.000.000
Community lots: 9
- Sim owned: 8
- City owned: 1
Fires: 4
Electrocutions: 4
Burglaries: 6
Adventurer: Unlocked [Jurriaan Dorrestein, Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 0/1 [Matthew Crimson]
Business: Unlocked
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Bruinig]
Education: 1/3 [Alwin van der Voeten, Magda Crimson]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Dorrestein]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 5/5
Music: Unlocked [Jacinta Lillig, Berend Lillig]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs]
Slacker: 0/1 [Simon Dorrestein]
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