Last week, Marsha started her adult life by 'accidentally' getting pregnant with Simon Dorrestein's baby. During her pregnancy she also booty called Philip Crimson and had a thing with Tako Rossi. And she isn't even a Romance Sim! She gave birth to a daughter, Laurie, and by the end of the week, she found herself being pregnant again. This time, it was Philip's baby.
Marsha and Laurie are being very... pink together.
Laurie got potty trained, which is great because it means less diapers to change when the new baby arrives.
Now that Laurie still is an only child, Marsha tries to teach her as many things as possible.
The next morning, Tako Rossi walks by. ACR kicked in.
And just like the last time when Tako visited, Marsha goes into labour.
It's another girl! Despite her coloring, you can definitely tell she's Philip's daughter because of her facial features. Her name is Josie.
Here he is, after a little makeover. He's a 5/3/7/3/7 Pisces, a Knowledge/Grilled Cheese Sim with the LTW to become Prestidigitator. He has a career in Science, at level 6, so I'll let him keep that job. As the only way to enroll in the Entertainment career would be to age into an adult with maximum Charisma, that won't be possible for him.
Despite Laurie and Josie not being his own kids, Tako is amazing with them. While I suspect Marsha of secretly being a Romance Sim, I think Tako is secretly a Family Sim!
Laurie learned how to talk! I'm not sure if it was Tako or Marsha, but hey, it's the result that counts.
Just in time, because it's her birthday!

There she is. I think she still looks a lot like Marsha, but definitely has some features from her father Simon.

They had one spare room left, so I changed it into a big girls' bedroom.

That night, Marsha came home with a promotion to level 7! She was greeted by her eldest daughter.

On her very first day of school, Laurie got a snow day. Oh well, she is excited about it.
And having her at home doesn't stop Tako and Marsha from having a little fun together anyway.
The next day, Laurie has to go to school. When she gets home, Marsha helps her with her homework.

It's time for Josie to become a toddler!

Here she is after a little makeover. She has quite a personality: 2/2/1/10/10 Aquarius.

It's up to Marsha to get her to the potty for the first time.
Laurie experimented a bit with Tako's career reward, and she got a mysterious disease. I never had that happen before, but after doing a bit of research I actually became quite scared.

I didn't want my other Sims to get ill, too, so I did something quite questionable: I put her into her bedroom and deleted the door. Luckily, she got better very soon. Whew.

So yeah, I guess this was bound to happen. Tako proposed.

They got married right away. Because that's just how I play :-) Next week, this will be the Rossi household.
Population: 846
Playable Sims: 43
Graves: 4
SM: 18
Households: 10
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 2
University fund: §1.000.000
Community lots: 9
- Sim owned: 8
- City owned: 1
Fires: 4
Electrocutions: 4
Burglaries: 6
Adventurer: Unlocked [Jurriaan Dorrestein, Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 0/1 [Matthew Crimson]
Business: Unlocked
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Rossi]
Education: 1/3 [Alwin van der Voeten, Magda Crimson]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Dorrestein]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 5/5
Music: Unlocked [Jacinta Lillig, Berend Lillig]
Oceanography: 0/1 [Rianne Crimson]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi]
Slacker: 0/1 [Simon Dorrestein]
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