I changed some household names, as some households had a name that none of the sims in there still carried. So the former Van der Voeten household is now called the Davids household. The household formerly known as Van der Voeten II is now just Van der Voeten.
Last week, Hannah was expecting her second baby with Thomas. She finally became best friends with her mother-in-law Kendra, while they didn't get along very well earlier. Hannah found a job in the Business career, but didn't had much time to work: she gave birth to a baby boy named Seth and got pregnant again right away. They adopted a stray cat named Akira. Morgan became a teen, but Kendra wasn't there to celebrate: she passed away of old age. Thomas proposed and they got married while Hannah was heavily pregnant with their third child, who entered the world on their wedding night: another boy named Morris. By the end of the week Morgan left for college, and they still had Tristan (child), Liam (child), Seth (toddler) and Morris (baby) at home. There was definitely another busy week ahead of them!

Tristan and Liam, who are half brothers, were getting along better every day.
The cats still weren’t getting along at all. It seemed like it was Ash and Annabelle (who are siblings) versus Akira all the time. After another fight, Akira ran away - again.
Thomas reported him missing. Again. To be honest, I kind of hope he will only come back when Ash and Annabelle are dead.
Seth got potty trained by Thomas, who was incredibly happy with his bunch of children. With Morgan at uni, he has only his four boys left at home.
Speaking of the fourth boy: Ash was watching the nanny closely while she was taking care of little Morris.
Hannah got promoted to level 4 of the business career, but she didn’t have any time to celebrate it, as she was overwhelmed by morning sickness.
It’s time for the oldest boy to grow up!
Tristan rolled Family/Grilled cheese, just like his father. His LTW is to become Education Minister.

Pop! Another baby is coming! I wonder if they will keep going until they get a girl ;-) And I wonder how many babies they’ll end up with, as they’re both Family Sims and until now, Hannah just keeps getting pregnant again every time she pops out a baby.
Tristan helped his little brother with his homework. He was such a loving big brother.
Both Ash and Annabelle passed away on the same day. Thomas, who witnessed both deaths, was incredibly sad.
With Akira still missing, they really missed a cat in the house. So they adopted Adelaide, the kitten of Boots and Baby from the Van der Storm household.
It’s a double birthday! First up is Seth, who is becoming a child.
There he is, he’s adorable!
Second is Morris.
While Liam and Seth looked mostly like their mom, Morris really resembled Thomas more. Morris is incredibly active and a bit shy.
It was nice to have Adelaide in the house now, but I really missed Akira, too. I was getting a bit anxious he wouldn’t be returned at all this time, as he had no collar. Tristan bought a collar for Adelaide, just in case she would every decide to run away, too.
Hannah got her second pop. I’m really looking forward to this baby; so far Hannah and Thomas made some adorable kids.

Thomas also loves them all to pieces. I’m so happy for him he found another Family Sim to be his wife, after his failed marriage with Anya.
Oh, look at that! Tristan brought home Lily Baker, and she gave him his first kiss. They have quite an age gap so I don’t think they will actually end up together as adults, but it’s cute puppy love.
It’s time to meet the new baby! Thomas is not impressed; he’s been through this so many times now.
A girl! Finally! Meet Emma Mauve.
Yeah, sure, because why wait?
This townie brought Akira home!
He tried for kittens with Adelaide shortly after meeting her, but it won’t work, probably because their household is quite large already. Oh well, they’re still quite young. Maybe later.
Hannah got promoted to level 5 of the Business career.
Akira got a collar, too, as I got really scared he ran away twice.
Life with five kids and two cats, while both having a job, was incredibly busy. Still Hannah loved every minute of it.
She and Thomas were still very much in love.
The gypsy brought them a magic lamp. They made three wishes for wealth.
Hannah is pregnant again! She went straight for her second pop, probably because she was at work when she was supposed to get hr first one.
Tristan was hanging out with a townie named Sophie, while Adelaide was playing with a stray dog.
Some cute brother love before we have a triple birthday!
Here they go! Liam and Morris celebrated their birthdays together.
Liam rolled Fortune/Family with the LTW to become prestidigitator. He is straight and his ideal family size is 1.
And here’s Morris as a child. One more to go: little Emma will become a toddler!
Liam was the one to help her grow up. Awww, she has red hair! I love it!

On Sunday, everyone was just having a relaxed day. And yes, I still love their wedding portrait.
Tristan invited Sophie over again, and they shared a kiss. They developed crushes.
Hannah decided it would be a good idea to give birth in the hallway, which made it impossible to take decent pictures.
Everyone was happy to meet little Graham.
We end this update with another birthday. I can’t believe Thomas is an elder already!
Tristan didn’t have the want to go to college, so I didn’t roll the dice for him to see if he gets in. His odds are incredibly low anyway, so he’ll just stay at home. This family’s house is very glitched, so they’ll have to move next rotation - no money to the uni fund for them this time, as I have no idea how much money I’ll have to keep for their new home.
Population: 7,473
Playable Sims: 147
Graves: 12
SM: 47
Households: 29
Business districts: 3
Downtown: 0
Universities: 5
University fund: §710,000
Community lots: 26
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 7
Fires: 13
Electrocutions: 11
Burglaries: 12
Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar]
Criminal: 0/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Quentin Crimson]
Education: 22/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/3 [Linnea Easton]
Journalism: 7/8 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 8/15 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]
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