I am so happy now Oscar and Ocean know how to use the potty! It saves so much time.
The three oldest kids have a great bond, and they are practically taking care of themselves. That's great, as their parents really have their hands full with the two sets of twins.
Five birthdays today! First up is Huda. She rolls Family/Popularity with the LTW to become General. She's stunning!
Next are the O twins. They also age up very cute. It's really going to be hard to pick a heir!
Last but not least, Xyla and Xante. Xyla is the one with black hair, while Xante's hair is brown.
Their house is getting far too small by now, so I moved them to another one. My wife built it.
This is what it looks like on the inside. They ran out of funds, so it isn't completely furnished yet. Actually, I was lucky I could buy 7 cheap single beds, as I went a little overboard with money while furnishing the lower floor. The spare room on the ground floor will be for the elders when I reach the next generation, and of course I will upgrade all the kids bedrooms when money starts coming in.
Here's Xyla throwing a tantrum because she can't catch the butterflies, while sitting on the middle of the road. Great parenting, you guys.

While having 7 kids in the house is very chaotic, it also has its good sides: always someone around to help with your homework!

The nursery is actually the only room that is completely decorated already. It has four cribs, two potties and a changing table.

A real benefit of having this many kids around, is the older ones can help with their younger siblings. I really don't know how I would've survived this without Percy and Huda!

Percy booty called Meadow, but they only flirted for a bit and started a pillow fight in the spare bedroom. It was adorable.

Yay! No more toddlers! For this generation, that is.

Aww, look at that proud mommy Phlox. By now, she had rolled the want to have another baby (and the want to have 10 kids). I'm sorry honey, but your name just doesn't have any letters left!
Link has his teen birthday and he looks just like his dad! He is now a Family/Romance Sim and wants to become Hall of Famer.

I think this is as close to a family meal as this family will ever come. Link, Oscar and Xyla are missing; they are taking a shower.

Both Link and Huda have crushes! Link is head over heels in love with Ivy Copur, while Huda has fallen for Alvin Futa.

When it's weekend, all the children are hanging out together, building their relationships. I never played a household with 7 kids before, but I'm not disappointed!

They finally have enough money to furnish some of the kids bedrooms!
It's birthday time for the O twins! Ocean rolls Knowledge/Family with the LTW to become World Class Ballet Dancer, while Oscar is now a Popularity/Family Sim and wants to graduate 3 children from college.

They find possible future spouses: Ocean finds a boyfriend in Randy London, Oscar gets a crush on Chloe Gonzaga. I'm not sure if any of their current boyfriends/girlfriends actually will be their spouse when one of them is chosen heir, but it's nice to have options. I'd like to have more genetic variation to be honest...
I kind of neglected Phlox and Xavier in this update; I guess that's what you get when you have 7 kids. Here they are though, both skilling to get promoted. They are both at level 6 in their careers, Phlox in Law Enforcement and Xavier in Adventurer.

Finally, the last three kids bedrooms are also furnished. Now they have to make some more money to furnish the elder bedroom and buy a bit more decoration, but it's definitely starting to look good.

Phlox becomes an elder, which makes me kind of sad. She is a lovely founder and I don't want her to go already!

And finally, it's time for the X twins to grow up! I wanted to play all the way up til this birthday, so I could start a heir poll.
Here they are. Xante rolled Romance/Knowledge with the LTW to become Education Minister, Xyla is now a Popularity/Romance Sim who wants to own 5 top-level businesses.
Don't forget to vote in our heir poll! We'll soon find out who I'm going to play next, I can't wait!
Points earned this chapter: 0 (oops...)
Points total: 17
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