vrijdag 12 juni 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 11: Crimson III

Current family members:

Last week, David and Sanne both topped their careers and therefore fulfilled their LTWs. Sanne surprised all of us by being pregnant, just days away from elderhood! She gave birth to a baby girl named Cleo, and everybody was thrilled. By the end of the week, their oldest son Max went to college while little Cleo just became a toddler.

With two parents already at the top of their careers, there was plenty of time for Cleo to get their attention. Sanne tried teaching her how to walk.

Whiskers the cat was, just like his owners, getting close to becoming an elder.

Birthday time for David and Sanne!

I think they make a lovely pair.

Cleo might be the very first Sim in Crimson Falls to learn all of her toddler skills. And I didn't even use smart milk!

Whiskers is now an old cat.

Ryder Dorrestein walked by, he and Sanne had a nice talk. They have two bolts together so I had to stop ACR from happening every once in a while - what is it with Sanne and ACR-stuff with random guys?! They did become friends though.

When Sanne left for work, Ryder stayed for a little while. He played with Cleo while under the nanny's watch.

Time for Cleo to become a child! I think she looks just like her big brother Max.

David came home with the flu. He and Sanne both don't have Family as primary or secondary aspiration, so they can't make the soup thing-y. Let's hope it doesn't spread through entire Crimson Falls, as I really can't handle another pandemic.

Sanne and David are absolutely adorable together. I love them.

While Cleo was hanging out with the paper delivery boy, Sanne befriended a stray cat named Toto. With Whiskers nearing the end of his age bar, Sanne decided to adopt Toto.

Toto needs to learn a lot, though. And that's it for this week!

This family paid 25,000 to the university fund.

Population: 5,291
Playable Sims: 132
Graves: 11
SM: 37
Households: 23

Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 4
University fund: §877,000

Community lots: 25
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 6

Fires: 12
Electrocutions: 9
Burglaries: 11

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 2/4 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels]
Criminal: 0/2 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 17/20 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Lynn Tanaka]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/2
Journalism: 4/5 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [David Crimson]
Law Enforcement: 5/12 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten]
Military: Unlocked
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]

donderdag 11 juni 2020

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 11: Crimson II

Current family members:

Last week was a busy one in the Crimson II household. Alien baby Leia had two birthdays, Willow became a teen, Naomi, Stella and Willow got boyfriends, and after Elliott aged into a teen he also found a boyfriend. Philip topped his career, which unlocked another business district. By the end of the week, the three oldest girls left for college.
Now that I installed the layering mod, Elliott also has the alien eyes! And just like previous families, he started off the week by using his three wishes for money.

Oops, I missed Philips birthday! Luckily I was in time to catch Mieke's.

Here they are after their makeovers. Philip was a bit shocked to see his wife like this, lol. He also reached permaplat, despite not having fulfilled his LTW. I didn't even know it was possible! I just coincidentally noticed it when I opened his memory panel.

Elliott maxed out his body skill! That's definitely going to help increasing the odds of going to university.

By now, the entire family somehow got the flu. Especially Mieke had a really hard time dealing with it.

Elliott always had someone to talk to, as his three teen cousins Jana, Josh and James lived nextdoor. He also brought home Ollie Rossi.

That night, he booty called his crush Robert. Their WooHoo was interrupted by Elliott almost dying from corona the flu though. I really like these two together.

Leia also had the flu, but I only caught her coughing once. She didn't seem to have much symptoms. Lucky for me, as the other three needed to go to the bathroom literally ALL the time and they have 'only' three toilets.

I noticed their neighbours also had the flu. Great.

Mieke got promoted to level 9 of the Education career. She's so close to topping it! I'm hoping she will do that this rotation.

You wouldn't say it from the indifferent look on her face, but Mieke just topped her career and therefore is now permaplat!

Oh, look, it's another booty call. This time, they actually got to the WooHoo part.

Elliott really, REALLY wanted to go to university, so he tried maxing out as many skills as possible to increase the odds.

Elliott and Leia are the most adorable siblings I've ever had in my game. Leia really adores her big brother.

Birthday time for the youngest kid! Leia rolled Fortune/Popularity and wants to have 20 simultaneous best friends. She's absolutely stunning!

It's the moment of truth for Elliott. He has to roll a d100 lower than 62 to enroll in college, and he rolls... 21! So off to university he goes!

And with that, the once very full house was down to only 3 Sims.

This family was able to pay §130,000 to the university fund. We're getting close to another +5 for the Sim Multiplier!

Population: 5,291
Playable Sims: 132
Graves: 11
SM: 37
Households: 23

Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 4
University fund: §852,000

Community lots: 25
- Sim owned: 19
- City owned: 6

Fires: 12
Electrocutions: 9
Burglaries: 11

Adventurer: Unlocked
Architecture: 2/4 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Owen Bell]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels]
Criminal: 0/2 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten]
Culinary: 0/1 [Basil Petal]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 17/20 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Lynn Tanaka]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/2
Journalism: 4/5 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [David Crimson]
Law Enforcement: 5/12 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten]
Military: Unlocked
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bruinig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]

vrijdag 5 juni 2020

Belmonte Name Game heir poll (gen. 2)

It's time to find out who our gen. 2 heir is going to be! It is going to be a tough decision, as there are 7 Sims to choose from and they all have their positive and negative points.

Voting can be done on Boolprop and/or by commenting below!