Last week, Nolan and Marieke started their adult lifes together and bought a huge house. They adopted a puppy named Rocky and Marieke quickly found out she was pregnant. Nolan bought a new community lot, Crimson Falls H&M. Shortly after Rocky grew into an adult dog, Marieke gave birth to twins: Gwyneth and Moses. By the end of the week, the twins became toddlers.
The twins were adorable, and quite easy to take care of.
While Moses and Gwyneth mostly entertained each other (or Rocky entertained them), Nolan and Marieke were still WooHoo'ing a lot.
Rocky was adorable and loved the twins.
Marieke, with her high creativity skill, started painting a family portrait.
The twins got so much love and attention.
Marieke finished the portrait and it's gorgeous! I'm definitely going to use them in more households.
If you guys keep doing that, you'll need a new family portrait in no time, as it won't be the four of you for long!
The next day, Oscar Mauve paid them an unexpected visit. I didn't think much of it, until this happened and I remembered what happened in the previous rotation Mauve II. Just a reminder for you:
That's right, Oscar (who has an open relationship with Lynn) had a thing with Marieke, who is secondary Romance.
So before things would go horribly wrong, Nolan said goodbye to Oscar.

The thing with Oscar reminded me that Nolan and Marieke weren't married yet, so Nolan proposed!

That night, it was time for the twins to grow up. I couldn't wait to see what they would look like as kids!
Rocky was also curious, I guess. Both kids are very pretty.
Both of the kids' bedrooms got an upgrade.
Marieke started working on a family portrait right away. In retrospect, I started feeling sorry she didn't paint a portrait when the twins were babies.
The next day, it was wedding time! They waited until the twins were old enought to be present at the wedding.
Quite a few guests showed up: Robin (Nolan's sister) and her husband Constantijn, Simon (Nolan's brother) and his girlfriend Anne, Jacob (Nolan's adopted brother) and his pregnant wife Samantha, and family friend Naomi.
It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was so happy.
After the ceremony, Nolan shoved some cake into Marieke's face, just because he could :-)

The twins had a little fun while having a pillow fight in their formal wear.
The party was a roofraiser!
Of course, there were some wedding pictures and Nolan started to paint one right away. As you probably noticed, I just learned about poseboxes, lol.
These are the other portraits.
I really wonder why Marieke didn't get pregnant again yet. I double checked it, but she isn't on birth control. Oh well, maybe two is enough for them.
Rocky is such a good boy!
Moses met Claudia, a townie kid. They became friends and I might age her up with him when he becomes a teen.

They hired a butler, just because they have so much money and a huge house.
And we'll end this week with the twins having some musical fun in their pajamas. Aren't they cute?
Population: 3,680
Playable Sims: 105
Graves: 10
SM: 32
Households: 19
Business districts: 2
Downtown: 0
Universities: 3
University fund: §1,000,000 §1,000,000 §120,000
Community lots: 21
- Sim owned: 18
- City owned: 3
Fires: 9
Electrocutions: 8
Burglaries: 9
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/3 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Jacob Dorrestein]
Criminal: 1/2 [Marsha Rossi]
Culinary: 1/1
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 7/10 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Lynn Tanaka]
Gamer: 0/4 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Kosmoskus, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 2/2
Journalism: 1/2 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [David Crimson]
Law Enforcement: 5/10 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Anya de Korte, Brandon van der Storm]
Medical: 1/1
Military: Unlocked
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Show Business: 1/1
Slacker: 0/1 [Anne Cooper]
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