Last week, Simon and Ellie spent most of their time at work or taking care of their son Hunter. Ellie got pregnant again, and soon after Hunter grew up to a child, Ryder was born.
With another baby, it was time for the Dorrestein family to move to a new house.

This is the inside, with bedrooms and bathrooms for Hunter and Ryder on the ground floor, and eeverything else on the first floor.
Simon enjoys the view with a nice breakfast.
Having two kids quite far apart in age is great for them. While Hunter is at school, Ryder gets all the attention.
The welcome wagon brings Lynn Tanaka, Marieke van Oosterom and Berend Lillig. They hang out for a while.
Hunter brings home his cousin Josephine from school. They become friends.
That night, he sleeps in his own room for the first time. In their previous home, his bed was in his parents' room.
Ryder still has his crib in Simon and Ellie's room, which is a nice benefit for Ellie who has to nurse him during the night.
The next morning, Simon helps Hunter with his homework.
And while his parents are having a nice breakfast, Hunter has some fun outside, still in his pajamas.
The next day, Simon gets his final promotion in the Slacker career and reaches his LTW! That als opens one position in the Show Business career.
Hunter has as little fun with the pinball machine his mom bought for enrolling in the Gamer career.
I don't think a bottle is going to take that green cloud away, Si...
I wanted to put Ellie on birth control, as this house only has room for two kids. But as Hunter wil be a teen by the end of this week, he will probably be off to college by the time a possible third child will need a bedroom of his/her own. So I just let ACR decide.
Hunter brings home his cousin Eleanor, but they don't get along very well.
Birthday time! Let's see what Ryder looks like.
Simon and Ellie don't make the prettiest kids in the Sim world, but I really like that he has Ellie's blonde hair! He's a Scorpio, 10/6/8/7/3. He and Simon become best friends right away.
Ryder isn't tired enough to sleep, so Simon has to wait until his energy bar hit the red.
They have a little midnight dinner/breakfast.

When Ryder finally falls asleep, Simon tucks in Hunter and finally goes to bed.

The next morning, both Simon and Ellie had rolled the want to buy a car. So here it is! They have room for 4 cars in their carport/driveways, so there might be more of them later.
There's quite a lack of Ellie in this update, so here she is with Ryder.

She gets a bad chance card and gets demoted to level 6. Luckily, she can go back to work right away.

Hunter brings home Jolie Farijs from school, and they become friends.

Ellie gets promoted right back to level 7 that night.

Ryder and Ellie become best friends, and he learns how to use the potty.

The two brothers are adorable together. I really must consider my other Sims having their children further apart in age, too. They usually pop out one after another.

It's a double birthday, on this very last evening of the week!

Here's Ryder. I think he looks a lot like his mom.
And here's Hunter. He rolled Fortune/Pleasure with the LTW to become Celebrity Chef.
Population: 1,235
Playable Sims: 58
Graves: 7
SM: 19
Households: 13
Business districts: 1
Downtown: 0
Universities: 2
University fund: §1.000.000
Community lots: 11
- Sim owned: 9
- City owned: 2
Fires: 6
Electrocutions: 5
Burglaries: 8
Adventurer: Unlocked [Kendra van der Voeten]
Architecture: 1/2 [Matthew Crimson]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson]
Criminal: 0/1 [Marsha Rossi]
Dance: 0/1 [Jonathan Philips]
Education: 1/4 [Alwin van der Voeten, Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Ellie Dorrestein]
Journalism: 0/1 [Noah Mauve]
Law: 0/1 [Constantijn Plaatsjes]
Law Enforcement: 2/6 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Anya de Korte]
Medical: 1/1
Music: Unlocked [Jacinta Lillig, Berend Lillig]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve]
Science: Unlocked [Maaike Farijs, Tako Rossi, Jack Philips]
Show Business: 1/1
Slacker: 0/1 [Simon Dorrestein]
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