We’re down to the last family of this rotation! Last week, Josie was still a teen and lived with her parents, together with her son Arthur. Arthur's father Olaf stopped by almost every day, to bond with his son. When Josie became an adult, Olaf moved in with them. Soon Josie got pregnant again - and by the end of the week, the three (almost four) of them moved into their own house, together with their newly adopted stray dog Winston.

Josie and Olaf were able to buy a nice house for their growing family, but ran out of money while decorating it. Arthur’s bedroom will eventually move upstairs but for now, his bed is in the future study.
The welcome wagon consisted of Elisa Bender, Robert Hooghoeth and Derek van ‘t Haar.
Just after greeting them, Josie went into labour. What a way to make a first impression on your new neighbours.
Little miss Celine Bruinig got quite a warm welcome.
Olaf had a great day at work: he got promoted to level 5 of his Business career.
Arthur brought home is cousin Odin from school. They talked about growing up.
Now they had two children together, Olaf felt like the time was right to pop the question.
Olaf was on a roll: he had two promotions in one day. If things kept going as smoothly as they did, it might be possible for him to top his career this rotation.
Yes, you see it correctly: there’s another baby on it’s way! Olaf is still a Family Sim, after all.
Birthday time for little Celine.
She’s adorable, and a great mix of her parents. She’s quite outgoing and nice, but also very lazy.
Josie got promoted to level 4 of the Music career.
The future study was changed into a nursery for the time being.
While there was finally some money left to give Arthur his own room upstairs. He will soon become a teen.
It won’t be long until their third baby will be born.
Celine is adorable. I love her alien eyes. Arthur loved playing with his younger sister.
Another promotion for the very pregnant Josie.
And she wasn’t the only one: Olaf got promoted to level 9! With one more day of work to go, it’s still possible for him to top his career and unlock another business district in this rotation!
Olaf and Josie finally decided to tie the knot!
And they were about to get a very special gift on their wedding night.
Winston was such a happy dog, always playing with the strays and greeting passing neighbours.
Actually, this entire family was so much fun to play.
YES! He did it! Olaf unlocked us another Business District! +5 for the SM!
That night, it was time for Arthur to become a teen. I barely see any Josie in him - it’s just all Olaf! Arthur rolled Family/Pleasure with the LTW to have 6 grandchildren. He’s straight and his ideal family size is 3.
Josie got promoted to level 6.
Olaf was the one to get Celine potty trained.
Being a Family Sim, whenever Arthur wasn’t at school, he was the one to take care of his siblings. Josie and Olaf barely got a chance to care for their own children, as sweet Arthur was always one step ahead.
Arthur’s childhood friend Bethany Mauve stopped by. I was wondering if they had any chemistry, but it was only 1 bolt. I let ACR decide what was going to happen.
Well, they had a lot of fun, but only on a friendly base. I guess I’ll have to look further for Arthur’s future spouse.
So... Another little nooboo is on it’s way!
Arthur bought a community lot: an very small indoor playground called Indoor Explore. I have no idea if a business like this is going t work, but it counts, so it’s okay anyway.
It kind of worked: there weren’t any children visiting, but the adults used the swings sometimes.
And having a business had another benefit: Arthur met Tosca. They had a whopping 3 bolts and started flirting right away!
Arthur invited Tosca over at their house, and they were just adorably shy together.
Celine and Dominic both had a birthday. Here’s Celine as a child.
And Arthur helped his little brother grow up. Dominic looks a lot like his mom. He is incredibly playful and nice, but also quite sloppy and lazy. I love how their children all have such different facial features. Celine seems to be the best mix of her parents.
Celine got a nice big girls’ bedroom on the second floor.
Population: 11,400
Playable Sims: 176
Graves: 14
SM: 60
Households: 37
Business districts: 4
Downtown: 0
Universities: 6
University fund: §900,000
Community lots: 42
- Sim owned: 35
- City owned: 7
Fires: 15
Electrocutions: 15
Burglaries: 17
Adventurer: Unlocked [Bethany Mauve]
Architecture: 3/5 [Matthew Crimson, Travis Lillig]
Artist: 1/1
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Harper de Lange, Abbie Rossi, Moses van Oosterom]
Business: Unlocked [Philip Crimson, Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar, Anne Cooper, Parker de Lange, Alison Mauve, Christopher van der Toorn, Angie de Wethouder, Jill Philips, Naomi Oef, Alan Oef, Gary den Dolder]
Criminal: -1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar, Max Armadillo]
Culinary: Unlocked [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Owen Bell, Quentin Crimson, Ruthie Kosmoskus, Cassie van der Storm, Armando Verbon, Ryder Dorrestein]
Education: 19/26 [Magda Crimson, Mieke Crimson, Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak, Debora van der Toorn, Silvia Tate, Willow Lim]
Gamer: 0/3 [Sarabel Farijs, Robin Langerak, Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 0/4 [Linnea Easton, Mia Wilson, Derek van 't Haar, Gabriel van der Toorn]
Journalism: 5/9 [Noah Mauve, Leah Kosmoskus, Theodore Mauve, Eleanor Plaatsjes]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 12/19 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Valerie Petal, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig, Joel Lim]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bertels]
Paranormal: 1/1
Politics: Unlocked [Els Mauve, Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein, Ramon Poot]
Science: Unlocked [Tako Rossi, Jack Philips, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes, Jessa Langerak]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: 2/3 [Grace Crimson]
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