maandag 24 juni 2024

Marley ISBI 5.4

Last time, Theia had her hands full. She gave birth to Troy, her fourth son, and spent every free moment taking care of the children. By the end of the chapter Cairo was a child, Berlin and Kent were toddlers and Troy was an infant, so we’ll probably have some more chaos ahead of us!

Let’s see what everyone is doing at the moment. Clover is taking a nap.

Caught a lot of Sims in one shot! Zane is cleaning, Cairo is doing his homework, Ronald is about to feed Kent and we have Theia’s pregnant older sister Asteria over for a visit. 

Theia is being exhausted from that many kids.

And Troy is smelly and unhappy - again.

I don’t feel like Ronald is really useful at home at the moment, so I give him a job in the tech guru career. I picked that one because his gaming skill is already at level 5 so that might come in handy.

One less toddler to take care of!

Berlin rolls Gloomy as his trait and Creative genius as his aspiration. 

This was completely unnecessary, Berlin. *sigh* -5

It’s time for Troy to become a toddler. Oh joy. 

At least he’s angelic.

Poor Theia. She has her hands full. I’m starting to long for the boring stage of having only teens again!

But this makes me forget all the fuss. It’s so cute!

Cairo completes an aspiration milestone. +5 points.

Kent loves his aunt Asteria, who stops by for a visit regularly.

Fay and Sef are visiting. Little Troy is not impressed.

Ronald seems a little worried, but I don’t know why as he just brought home a promotion!

Thanks, dude. You have a bed, you know. -5. 

Kent becomes a child. He rolls Slob as his trait and Rambunctious Scamp as his aspiration. 

Just a picture of the busy family. Leto paid the family a visit.

I love this family.

Andddd -5 points again. I kept telling Theia she needed to take care of Troy, but the actions kept being cancelled. How annoying.

Nooooo Clover! At least finish the meal you were preparing! Oh, you will be missed. Mostly your ability to make food that never spoils. 

maandag 15 november 2021

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 13: Oef

Last week, Naomi and her fiancĂ© Alan bought a nice house together. They also adopted two dogs: Lancelot and Guinevere. Both of them joined the Business career, and already got some promotions. Naomi got pregnant a bit faster than they expected, but their baby was very welcome. Not long after the birth of their son Felix, they tied the knot during a lovely ceremony with Naomi’s family present. By the end of the week, Felix was already a toddler. But that wasn’t all: Skylar joined their family. She’s Naomi’s niece and she and Alan will take care of her while her mom Leia is at college.

An exciting start of the week for Naomi and Alan: they are expecting!

Alan got promoted to level 6. I just realized, if both of them reach level 10 this week, I think I finished the challenge. Wow!

Aww, these two.

It won’t be long now.

On Tuesday, both Naomi and Alan got promoted.

With a new baby coming soon, it would be nice if the two toddlers would get potty trained. Alan and Naomi spent a lot of time on that.

Baby time!

Jasper Oef was born.

The next day, both Alan and Naomi got promoted!

Ooh, puppies!

They are going to have their hands (and hearts) full!

Oh, how lucky Alan is. He got promoted because of a good chance card. Both of them are at level 9 now and he could go back to work right away. Fingers crossed!

He got another good chance card! I can’t believe it. He’s at level 10!

And… Naomi also topped her career! That’s +10 for the SM! The population goes up from 24,860 (45,650) to 27,120 (51,000), meaning I COMPLETED THIS CHALLENGE!! Oh my. I really can’t believe it.

I decided to at least play this family for the rest of the week. Skylar and Felix had their birthdays. Here’s Skylar.

And here’s Felix.

Two of the three nurseries changed into children’s rooms.

Pop! Probably the last baby of this challenge.

Oops, I totally forgot about Jasper’s birthday. Here he is as a toddler.

Guinevere was having her puppies!

Here they are. Two females. Awww.

And shortly after Guinevere, Naomi also went into labour. Get ready for the last birth of this challenge!

Rosalie was born. Her big brother Felix was very excited. 

That evening, Skylar went back to live with her mom. And with that, my Build a City Challenge has officially come to an end.

If anyone is still reading this: thank you so much for reading my challenge. I’m so happy to have finished it now! I started this when I was pregnant with my daughter, and she just turned 3 last month. It really took a lot of time and dedication and I’m so proud of myself for not giving up. On to the next challenge!

Population: 27,240
Population with CAS points: 51,120
Playable Sims: 203
Graves: 24
SM: 120
Households: 37

Business districts: 10
Downtown: 1
Universities: 7
University fund: §0

Community lots: 91
- Sim owned: 82
- City owned: 9

Fires: 21
Electrocutions: 20
Burglaries: 22

Adventurer: Unlocked [Bethany Mauve]
Architecture: 8/9 [Travis Lillig]
Artist: 1/1
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Harper de Lange, Abbie Rossi]
Business: Unlocked [Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar, Anne Cooper, Parker de Lange, Alison Mauve, Christopher van der Toorn, Angie de Wethouder, Jill Philips, Naomi Oef, Alan Oef, Gary den Dolder, Christine Hendriks, Valerie Petal, Gus Dassen]
Criminal: -1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar, Max Armadillo]
Culinary: Unlocked [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Owen Bell, Ruthie Kosmoskus, Cassie van der Storm, Ryder Dorrestein]
Education: 40/45 [Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak, Debora van der Toorn, Silvia Tate, Willow Lim]
Gamer: 0/1 [Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 0/4 [Linnea Easton, Mia Wilson, Derek van 't Haar, Gabriel van der Toorn]
Journalism:  14/17 [Noah Mauve, Leah Kosmoskus, Eleanor Plaatsjes]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 16/22 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig, Joel Lim]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson, Marylena Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bertels]
Paranormal: 2/2
Politics: Unlocked [Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein, Ramon Poot]
Science: Unlocked [Tako Rossi, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes, Jessa Langerak, Kiki Tellerman, Felicia Newman]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: Unlocked [Grace Crimson]

donderdag 11 november 2021

Crimson Falls BACC - Week 13: Plaatsjes II

Last week was an interesting one for Max and Eleanor. They rented a house next to the Dorrestein household, but Eleanor wasn't aware of the fact Max had an affair with their neighbour Ariel - who even was pregnant with him. It didn't take long for Eleanor to get pregnant, and when their daughter Amara was born she still didn't have a clue about Max' infidelity. That changed when she caught him with Ariel, and she was furious. When Max apologized and promised this would be the last time he cheated on her, she decided to stay with him, for Amara's good. Right after, she discovered she was expecting their second child. Max decided to tell Ariel they were done, but he wasn't aware of the fact she was pregnant with his baby. By the end of the week, Amara became a toddler and Eleanor was nearing her second trimester.

With the passing of two of her beloved grandparents, Amara had a rough start of the week.

We already saw it coming, but Eleanor was quite surprised to be expecting again. It wasn’t the best timing in the world, while their relationship wasn’t that stable.

Awww, Milo. You will be missed!

Max, who really didn’t want Eleanor to feel sad, immediately made a phone call to adopt a new puppy.

He adopted Mabel.

Max got Laurie, their neighbour, to look after Amara while he and Eleanor were both at work.

Eleanor got promoted to level 5 of her Journalism career.

She missed Milo, but she loved having a new pup around.


Jeez Max!

Good riddance. It was done for Eleanor. She broke up with him. Max left the house. The household name was changed to Plaatsjes II.

Eleanor was deeply saddened by the fact that he suddenly was a single mom, but she promised Amara and her unborn baby to do everything she could to ensure they would have a good life.

She was scared when she woke up by herself with contractions the next morning.

When Corbin was born, two of her neighbours and the paper girl were there for support.

Their spare room was furnished for the little guy.

Despite her hectic life right now, Eleanor got promoted on her first day after her maternity leave.

Eleanor’s mini-me
Amara became a child.

She got a new bedroom as a birthday present.

Eleanor never expected to find love so quickly after her breakup with Max. But when her best friend Bram admitted to like her, things went rather fast. It wasn’t anything serious, at least for now. But she loved to feel loved, and Bram seemed to be a good man. A better man than Max, at least.

Amara brought her classmate Taylor Tate home. They became friends.

They placed a swing in their tiny back yard. Eleanor was enjoying it even more than Amara.

Corbin became a toddler. While Amara was a little copy of Eleanor, Corbin looked just like Max. He was extremely active and neat, and also very nice. He had a good personality.

Mabel became an adult dog!

Two more cute pictures before the rotation was over for this family.

Population: 24,750
Population with CAS points: 45,540
Playable Sims: 201
Graves: 24
SM: 110
Households: 37

Business districts: 10
Downtown: 1
Universities: 7
University fund: §0

Community lots: 91
- Sim owned: 82
- City owned: 9

Fires: 21
Electrocutions: 20
Burglaries: 22

Adventurer: Unlocked [Bethany Mauve]
Architecture: 8/9 [Travis Lillig]
Artist: 1/1
Athletic: Unlocked [Ada van Achteren, Toby Easton, Harper de Lange, Abbie Rossi]
Business: Unlocked [Anya Andersen, Jacob Dorrestein, Hannah Mauve, Olaf Bertels, Nathan Terhaar, Anne Cooper, Parker de Lange, Alison Mauve, Christopher van der Toorn, Angie de Wethouder, Jill Philips, Naomi Oef, Alan Oef, Gary den Dolder, Christine Hendriks, Valerie Petal, Gus Dassen]
Criminal: -1/3 [Marsha Rossi, William van der Voeten, Ariel Terhaar, Max Armadillo]
Culinary: Unlocked [Basil Petal]
Dance: Unlocked [Jonathan Philips, Owen Bell, Ruthie Kosmoskus, Cassie van der Storm, Ryder Dorrestein]
Education: 40/45 [Rosemary Bell, Archibald Langerak, Debora van der Toorn, Silvia Tate, Willow Lim]
Gamer: 0/1 [Adam Wilson]
Intelligence: 0/4 [Linnea Easton, Mia Wilson, Derek van 't Haar, Gabriel van der Toorn]
Journalism:  14/17 [Noah Mauve, Leah Kosmoskus, Eleanor Plaatsjes]
Law: 0/3 [David Crimson, Nolan Dorrestein, Laurie Bruinig]
Law Enforcement: 16/22 [Tyler Peerik, Daphne Baker, Thomas Mauve, Brandon van der Storm, Oscar Mauve, Laia Schol]
Medical: Unlocked [Cedar Petal, Sophia van der Voeten, Tracy Lillig, Joel Lim]
Military: Unlocked [Josiah Crimson, Marylena Crimson]
Music: Unlocked [Marieke van Oosterom, Josie Bertels]
Paranormal: 2/2
Politics: Unlocked [Samantha Terhaar, Tommy Andersen, Hunter Dorrestein, Ramon Poot]
Science: Unlocked [Tako Rossi, Scottie van der Voeten, Constantijn Plaatsjes, Josephine Plaatsjes, Jessa Langerak, Kiki Tellerman, Felicia Newman]
Show Business: 2/2
Slacker: Unlocked [Grace Crimson]